Chapter Fifteen

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Chester's POV

I woke up, laying in Mike's arms. I suddenly tried to remember everything from the past night but I seemed to be drawing a blank.

I shivered at one of my last memories but then focused on the nicer ones from last night. Mike came home and I pretended to be asleep although I knew Mike would be able to see that. I almost let go of the act, although, when Mike tried to get me ready for bed. I couldn't let him see my body.

I didn't truly fall asleep until I had in Mike's arms. I suddenly felt unbearably ill and threw up several times in the toilet. I flushed it down and began gagging, feeling more coming up. I was unaware of Mike's presence until he grabbed me from behind and kissed my cheek. At first, I thought it was someone else so I jumped but confirmed it was Mike when I said his name.

We talked for a while and I realized just how happy I was to be with Mike again. He really does bring me all the comfort I could ever need.

I suddenly felt the urge to puke again and realized I had the worst migraine. I broke out of Mike's arms and rushed to the toilet, feeling as though I just threw up my insides. I suppose I woke Mike up because he began moving.

"Let's get dressed, we're going to the hospital." He sighed, which I've noticed he's been doing quite a bit lately. I nodded my head in defeat and prepared for a cold shower.


"The results are back." The doctor said, approaching us. I was so very thankful they hadn't needed to remove any article of clothing to determine what was wrong with me.

"Is it a virus?" Mike asked cautiously and the doctor shook his head.

"We've found drugs in his system, we believe he's going through cravings." The doctor explained and I could just see Mike's face dropped.

"You've been taking drugs?!" He exclaimed, turning to me.

"Not too much but... Yeah." I admitted in a small voice. He was heavily frowning but the doctor looked at me supportively.

"I'm aware of your celebrity status and if word gets out about Mr. Bennington being admitted into a rehabilitation center, it won't go over well with the media. I have some remedies to help ease the affects from getting off drugs." The doctor exclaimed and I quickly nodded, feeling Mike's eyes burning a hole in the side of my head.

"Please." I heard Mike say in a firm voice, clearly still glaring at me.

"Alright. You'll be feeling quite ill and puking is expected. Flu like symptoms and mood swings are other side effects to look out for. Massive headaches and even bursts of anxiety and depression are also most likely going to happen. I recommend therapy for the depression, as we don't want to give you antidepressants. Regular headache medication will do for most of the other side effects. As for the flu like symptoms, regular check-ups will help us help you."

"Okay, thank you." I nodded softly. The doctor offered a smile before leaving us be.


"When were you taking drugs?! Was it with Jason?" Mike suddenly boomed. We checked out of the hospital and Mike hadn't said a word the entire time until now.

"I... Yeah." I admitted softly, my leg beginning to shake nervously. "But I'm off of the drugs now, or else I wouldn't be suffering from those symptoms. I don't want drugs again."

"Does Jason still take drugs?"


"Okay." He simply said and began driving. The rest of the ride was silent.


We entered our house and Mike instantly went to the phone. He dialed a number and waited, making eye contact with me as Jason walked into the room. I shivered.

"Hello, Doctor Scott." Mike said, my eyes widening when hearing the name of my old therapist. "I'd like to sign Chester Bennington up for therapy sessions. Next week? Sounds great. Thank you."


"Are you taking drugs?" Mike interrupted me, asking Jason.

"No. I stopped the same time Chester did. I heard him throwing up, I assume you know he's off them now." Jason replied causally, standing next to me.

"Yes. How come you're not going through cravings?" Mike asked and Jason shrugged.

"I've been off them before. I just relapsed." He sighed and Mike nodded. He seemed more angry at me than he was with Jason and he didn't even like Jason. "Don't be mad at Chester though. I influenced him."

"But you didn't the last time he took drugs." Mike muttered and Jason looked at me.

"When was that? You must've been influenced then too. I know you. You wouldn't get addicted to something so bad without other people pushing it on you."

"Samantha and Elisa."

"Your ex wife? And ahh I remember Elisa." He smiled at the mention of her. I remember they used to have a little bit of a flirtatious ship.

"Don't you ever invite either of them into our house." Mike said instantly and Jason gave him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I won't. I want nothing to do with either of them anyway."

"Okay, good." Mike paused. "I'll go pick up the guys and bring them over."

"Why can't they just drive themselves?" Jason asked.

"I need to prepare them for you. They kinda hate you." Mike chuckled and Jason joined in.

"Reasonable." He grinned and Mike came up to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm not mad, it's just hard. I love you. I can't lose you again." He said softly and kissed my cheek before walking by, not letting me reply.

After a few minutes, I went into the living room and sat down on the couch heavily. I sighed deeply. I already missed Mike to be honest. I felt a lot safer with him around. I didn't want to be here alone. It scared me now. I heard footsteps approach me from behind.

"Come on! I know a game we can play."

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