Explanation of strength

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Spiritual strength

The force is the embodiment of the mythical creature, the animals and the warriors, where this strength is an object of development and improvement, as it depends on different feelings such as courage, intelligence, and the strongest level called the end of the world, where the level is considered permissible limits of strength and no one can steal it, as it is considered part of it and it is considered non-hereditary because it is part of the soul Where activate method

It is the exit from his body of an aura where a creature appears or a warrior where spiritual strength gives him abilities such as strength, sight, healing, etc.

It is the exit from his body of an aura where a creature appears or a warrior where spiritual strength gives him abilities such as strength, sight, healing, etc

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Force Factions

It is one of the power that can destroy, negate and innovate abilities. The power is classified by letters and there are rare types

Energy Factions






Rare Energy Factions




-SSSSSSSS (Unlimited)


It is like fire, earth, air, water, but there are stronger types, but it can be made much more dangerous





-the earth

Items are stronger


- Storms and Hurricanes

-the light

-the unjust

Electricity and lightning



Epic Weapons

Weapons were made by a blacksmith whose hobby is unknown, and the secret of the metal is unknown, as he was able to create legendary weapons, and these are weapons that you can choose the user

And I can't anyone use it. You can destroy anyone who touches it, carries it, or uses it. Even the gods can't, like the fool of Zeus, and if a person's intention is his spark, he will banish him, and he can destroy worlds so that you can destroy all kinds of weapons until he killed Zeus and the cause of the unknown mineral

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