Chapter VII

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Junior Hydes, the boy who became orphan at five years old, was dead. No one could bring him back. Junior, the man that became an FBI agent just to catch his parents' murderer, was in the end eliminated by the same person as it was 20 years ago.

I entered the chapel where his funeral was held into. His coffin was closed with the American flag covering it and many flowers above it. The people in the room were from FBI and Secret Services as they were there to honor him since Junior was able to help everyone out many times.

Shrevenport was there too, he was behind a stand and was talking about how brave Hydes was and how he managed to overcome so many obstacles trying to find his own answers by helping others and that in his memory we should do the same: Helping as many people as we can to ensure nothing like this will happen in the future.

After a while, he ended up his speech by asking any of us if we wanted to say something for him before proceeding with the burial.

Since the feeling of guilt was overwhelming me and no one else offered to say anything, without realizing, I stood up and went by myself in Shrevenport's place.

I looked at everyone and all of a sudden I've lost myself and all the words that I wanted to say.

'Junior was... For me he was...' I started and couldn't find the right words.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and opened them again. While talking about him, I could see him standing next to door as he was there smiling at me.

'Junior was a good comrade, but he was also a good friend. He was the one who helped everyone understand better everything. The one who was always there for us, even when the odds are against us, he was always trying to cheer you up. He will always be remembered in our hearts.'

I looked at this illusion of his still smiling and standing next to the door.

'I will never forget you, my friend.' I said and I felt how the tears were starting to run on my face as I was leaving the stand.

The FBI and Secret Services grabbed his coffin and they were leading him outside where there were also civilians aside of the people with that were firing in the air to honor my friend. The civilians were throwing the flowers on the road as a thank you for saving them. I didn't knew that he saved and helped so many people during his work of service.

I was behind the crowd as I don't like funerals. Especially the ones for people who might've died because of me.

'Such a shame he died so young.' Said a woman who approached me.

I looked at her and I found her familiar somehow. She had dark hair and blue eyes, her black dress hadn't revealed much, but somehow she seemed familiar.

'I know. It's sad seeing people like him going like that.' I replied still thinking of Junior's death.

'Well I do hope that he is in a better place.'

I looked at her again and introduced myself as Dorian.

'Carmen. Nice to meet you.'

'I am sorry, but you do look somehow familiar, do I know you?' I asked her all of a sudden.

She looked and laughed hearing that. Her laugh seemed somehow weird. Like it was forced or something similar to that? Was this conversation awkward for her?

'No, Dorian, we've never met officially, but I think we might've passed by from time to time at a Café or a pizza or something like that? I usually visit those after a long day at the museum.'

'I don't pay for someone to make myself coffee or pizza. I prefer doing it by myself.' I told her trying to keep a neutral tone, but the familiar feeling wouldn't get away.

'Aah so you're a rebel.' She smiled and looked again at the body of my partner that was covered by ground soil.


'You know, maybe you should pay me a visit at the museum when you have time and maybe I can show you how this Café is making a better one than you.' She said and handed me her visit card. Her name was Carmen Blanche Attorioso and this museum was one of the biggest ones in town.

I put the card in my pocket and watched my friend for the last time.

'Good bye, my dear friend.' I said and left the scene with one last tear on my face.

If that woman was working with the Artist, I will make them pay for this.

It was already late in the night when I reached to his house. Since my apartment was destroyed, I talked to Shrevenport to allow me to use his house until I am done with my new place to live and the case itself. He smiled and felt like this was sweet and he thinks that Junior would've accepted too.

At his house, everything was still intact, but there was only one thing missing. Its owner who was missing and will never come back. I visited each of his rooms and remembered the short time we spent together and tried together to catch this killer.

Days passed by and I didn't got closer to the Artist. The next full moon is estimated to be next week. But I don't have time to spare until then. Every day was the same, trying to connect the dots between all the cases that I had had dealt with in the past, but except of the Queen's Missing Jewelry incident, nothing else was connected to this guy.

The nights were the worst though. Every single time I was trying to sleep, I kept on having the same dream over and over, again and again. Every time I was seeing Junior dying in front of me and the Artist's words: "The Renaissance of the New World is almost here.'' His words were the only ones that I could remember from that day. What was he trying to babble about now? Is he planning to take over the entire world? Or is something else behind this phrase?

One night though I woke up from this repetitive dream and realized that I cannot fall asleep anymore, so I decided to watch something on the TV until I would pass out. I turned on the TV and as usual it was running the latest news on rewind. Nothing new until something interesting came up. The title of the news was "The Renaissance of the New World is in our city" and it was representing a painting made by Dali that was actually called The Birth of a New World, but it was considered as a renaissance due to its beauty that our world would be renewed as according to his vision. Seems that the Grand Museum would hold it for quite a while for exposure. I've seen that name before. I know I did, but I could not remember it at all.

According to the news though the painting will be revealed tomorrow and it will be a great gala and opening for it. I've decided that this is the best place to go now to check this lead given by the Artist. Maybe it will help my investigation.

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