part 1

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You just moved to a new city and know nobody and you have absolutely no friends.

Your first day at school is horrible, you didn't want to go, so you begged your mum so you can stay home. But your mum created a tiktok account and all tiktoks begin with „na kumm", she made it to your alarm tone and made you get up like that in the morning.

After your first period with your new teacher you are exhausted and cry in a bathroom stall.

Someone knocks at the door and asks if you are okay. You wipe your tears off of your cheeks and open the door. In front of you stands a girl with long brown hair. You say „yes i'm fine" and do the debby ryan.

She's walking with you back to class. „I'm Phoebe Thunderman, what's your name?" says the girl with a smile on her lips. „ I'm y/n, nice to meet you" you answer.

You sit next to her during lunch, as a handsome boy sits down across the table. „Did you make a new nerd friend Phoebe ?" says the boy sarcastically. „Haha really funny Max" says Phoebe back. „Hey I'm not a nerd !" you snap at him rolling your eyes.

„Max this is my new friend y/n, y/n this is my brother Max" Phoebe says. Max apologizes and says that it was just a joke.

After lunch you open your book and notice a little message saying „Text me when you want-Max and underneath his phone number". You blush.

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