I miss him

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(In this short story Dream and Wilber died in a accident and George and Tommy went crazy coming up with lie of why the people they love are gone.)

George and Sapnap sat in Insane asylum talking when Sapnap said "George please come back to me." George looked up at his best friend and said "When I was young and stupid my love left to be a god. He told me, "Please don't worry" his wise little smile that spoke so safely." Sapnap looks at George and says "George you need to realize he isn't here he passed George. Please you need to come back. I miss you, Karl and Quakity misses you. What about your son Tubbo will you just leave him along in the world with out both his dads.?" George glared at Sapnap and said "your wrong. Your lieing Sap." He stood up and walked to the window. Down the hall Philza and Techno were talking to Tommy. Philza sighs and says "Tommy Wilber passed you have to remember. I can't lose another one of my sons." Tommy smiled at his dad and said "But Dad Wilber is a live. He met a girl who wore Versace. She has pink feather coats and jumbo jewelry. He's gonna be Hakeem Olajuwon" He smiled brighter talking about his brother who he believed was alive. In George's room George turned back to Sapnap and said "He's got a gold Camaro. He told me over the payphone. I told him I'll try to keep my cool but really my life is turns in slow motion now." Sapnap sighs and says "George I wish you could see the truth. Your so caught up in a rush, it's killing you. I watch you try to come up with a lie to cover up the hurt inside. But you settle for a ghost you once knew. So cought up in a wicked Paradise that will never be true." George looks at Sapnap with a smile still on his face. In Tommy's room Techno is holding his younger brother. Techno rocked Tommy back and forth and whispered "Tommy Wilber never left." Tommy nods "Yea he left to be a rock and roll star and then he fell in love and stayed to treat his lady right and give his baby everything the little boy would ever want." Techno puts Tommy on his bed and walked out crying while Philza went to go check on his son. Sapnap walked out of George's room and saw the other two men. He walked over to them. Techno whipped a tear and said "I miss them." Sapnap nods and says "I don't blame you. I miss the old George and Tommy too." Philza nods and says "They are so caught up in this make believe world they made." Sapnap nods and whips a tear. "I'm gonna get back to George and see if I can try to reason with him again. I miss him but I fell more bad for Tubbo poor kid lost both his dads and his best friend at the same time." Philza smiles sadily "I'm glad you and your husbands are takeing care of him." Sapnap nods "it's fine. We love him and he helps us a lot." Philza walks back into Tommy's room as Sapnap makes his way to George's room. When Sapnap opens George door he heard the boy mumbling something "I know you don't but I still try. That boy is gone but I still try. I don't want it to be over now." He saw George crying so he ran over and held him. In Tommy's room Tommy was looking out the window looking at his hands saying "The bullet hit but maybe not. I feel so fucking numb. It hits my head and I feel numb." He was crying and whimpering. Philza ran over to him and hugged him. Tommy looked over and whispered "Dad. My minds not right." The same time Tommy said that George had looked up and Sapnap and said "Sap. My mind looking wrong." Both boys had passed out after saying that. When the men shook the boys they noticed that their arms were bleeding. Philza screamed for a nurse at the same time Sapnap screamed for a nurse.

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