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All That May Be


"Glimmering hail!" Huge shards of crystal rained down on the battlefield as Yvein slammed her staff down. The sound of gems shattering echoed throughout the rocky field as her target deflected every projectile that fell towards him.


The ex general swore as she charged more magic in her core. A giant, twenty foot tall ruby manifested from the tip of her staff and hovered over her head. She used her power to make the large, shimmering stone rotate rapidly. "Scarlet's drill!" She sent the spinning stone hurtling towards her target, intending to plow through him. Her ruby was split in half by a slash of wind.


Yvein slammed down her staff into the ground and shouted. "Obsidian's safeguard!" A wall of black stone erupted from the ground in an attempt to shield the young woman. As the slash of wind collided with the barrier, Yvein gritted her teeth and pushed more power into her stones.

As the wind subsided the woman loosed a breath. The strain of this battle had broken the steel band that bound her hair. Long, blue strands now clung to her sweaty brow.

He's strong, but I knew that!

She rose to her feet and pulled out a vial of dark liquid. She popped the cork and downed the potion. She shivered at the taste, but quickly got over it. Power reawakened in her core. She felt more magic flowing into the geometric diamond that hovered above the tip of her silver staff.

"I'm not here to kill him!" She reminded herself as tried to get her head back in the fight.

"Well that is good to hear." Her wall of obsidian shattered into pieces as her target waved his hand through it. As the light shone through the opening, it hit his back, revealing only his silhouette. "Because you're doing a terrible job at it."

Yvein leapt back and slammed her staff to the ground. A pillar of topaz formed under her, erupting from the ground and sending her high into the air.

This should be high enough. With distance between her and the target she began her chant.

"Oh, Earth's treasures, formed from pressure, please assist me in my endeavors, I do no- ''

The warrior was cut off as the pillar of topaz began to shake. Tremors plagued the column as it began to shatter under her feet. She growled in fury and jumped backwards off the crumbling platform.

As she flew through the air she felt a presence behind her. She powered through her surprise and turned to strike her target with her staff. Before she could fully face him, pain exploded through her shoulder and she was sent hurtling toward the earth.

Yvein did not panic. She remembered her training and sent power to her staff's stone. "Garnet Armament!" Dark red stones formed around her body just as she collided with a large boulder, shattering from the impact.

As Yvein laid in a crater more and more shards of her armour chipped off until she was back in her standard general attire. "N-no one told me... he had this much-" She coughed up blood.

"Look, Vein." Her target was slowly approaching her. The dust from her crash concealed every part of him, except both of his signature colored eyes. The right one glowing gold while the other purple. "You gotta level with me. Why did you decide to betray me?" He spoke in his usual tone. Casual and dripping with lightheartedness. The same tone that once made her consider him a friend.

"I know the pay was good. You had an army under your command, free roam of my castle, and even dental! Dental, Vein!"

The woman ignored her pain and stood to her feet, trying to peer through the dust to see him better. "You lied to me!" She yelled at him. "You never once intended to let the beast enter New America before their expiration!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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