College Suprise

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Patricia point of view:

I had been up all night. So has Eddie. We were texting eachother and we didn't even realize that it was morning already. I went downstairs with my phone in my hand. Everyone was still asleep. Well I never went to sleep! I went outside and headed toward my mailbox. There was a letter for me from one of the colleges I applied for. I sat on the steps outside and put my phone on the concrete. I slowly opened the envolope, nervous. I read the first part: Congratulations! You were accepted to Barclay University!

I really didn't want to go to college because I thought Weasle wasn't and we could spend the whole time together. But my mom convinced me to. So I applied to this one and to my suprise... I got accepted. I had to text Eddie the bad news. I was a little disappointed that I won't be able to see that weasle's face. Wow! I never thought I'd say that. I headed inside and plopped on my bed...

*The first day of college*
I found out Eddie was going to college too. Im just mad that I won't be able to see him for a long time. I headed inside the dorms. It says I am staying in dorm #35. I walked passed a lot of rooms and finally arrived at my dorm. I opened the door and there was a girl with brunette curly hair. She was a little shorter than me and had freckles. I think she was Latina. "Hi...I'm Maya!" Great! That's all I need! A perky roommate. She reminds me of some blonde who went to fashion school in New York...(Amber) I have Maya a fake welcoming smile, "Yea. Hi. Name's Yac- Patricia. sorry. My boyfriend calls me Yacker. I guess I gotten used to it." I sighed. I set my bags and suitcase on the top bunk because Maya's stuff was already at the bottom bunk. I looked at my schedule. "It says there's a welcoming meet-and-greet today." I mumbled to my self. I guess Maya heard me because she responded, "Yes. It's down in the lounge. We are supposed to go when we get settled in." I nodded, but I wasn't really paying much attention to her. I did hear what she said. I don't really like meeting new people, but it's a requirement so I guess I have to go. I started to walk out of the dorm and head to the lounge. I didn't really know where it was, so I had to ask a bunch of people. I finally found it. After a lifetime of walking! I stepped inside the room and went to sit on the couch. Suddenly, a guy with blonde hair walked in the room....Weasle?

Eddie's point of view:

I headed into the room and saw a bunch of people. I was so alone. I knew no one here. I walked around and then tripped on a legs that are stuck out. I didn't even look at the face and I don't think they looked at me. "Stick your fit in, will you?" I demanded. "You woke me." (That's the first conversation they had when the met in house of who.)That voice. I looked up. It can't be..."Yacker?" I smiled. It was her. She got up and wrapped her arms around me neck and we hugged for a while. I stared into her eyes and we kissed. Still as magical as ever. "This is my college. Go back to where you came from." I knew she was joking, so I tricked her. "Okay." She grabbed my hand as I turned around and took a step. "You knew I was messing with you." I gave her that smirk, "Maybe..." We sat back down and she leaned her head against me. "You seem like you've changed a lot." She grinned and mimicked me, "Maybe..." I smiled but rolled my eyes. Then I gently pushed her to the other side. She playfully hit me over and over. "After 2 years, it still doesn't hurt." (The episode when Patricia was punching Eddie in football gear.) "Aw come on!" She whined. We just laughed. This is going to be a fun year.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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