Lost and Found

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Remember all your friends and tell me do you remember someone really hyperactive? The ADHD type hyperactive? And was said hyperactive friend your close friend, best friend, partner even? If yes, you probably know the struggle of keeping an eye on them when you go shopping or in a museum, because they get distracted easily and run off. Clara Oswald knew this struggle very well, her girlfriend was this type of person. Clara had to be twice as cautious though, Missy did like to cause trouble for fun.


"Come oooooon." Missy whined for the third time in two minutes, while pointing at a music shop.

"Missy, I already told you, we're not going to look at pianos. Again. We only need some groceries. We can't any waste time." said Clara firmly, dragging Missy away from the music shop.

"It'll be only five minutes, I promise." tried Missy once more, this time with puppy eyes.

"No. We are not going, not even for five minutes." Clara was getting tired, it was like arguing with a five-year-old. She didn't have energy for this.

"Okay and what if we split? I will go to the music shop to look at pianos and you go for your stupid groceries."

"Missy, no. Remember last time I let you be on your own? You stole a piano, dear. I'm not letting you go somewhere on your own again. Nu-uh." Clara looked at Missy and her puppy dog eyes. "No no, puppy eyes won't work this time. Now c'mon we have to keep moving." Seriously, like a five-year-old, thought Clara.

Missy gave in, only seemingly, she was already planning to run off to the music shop, as soon as possible, Clara couldn't be cautious forever, could she?


Missy took her chance not even ten minutes later, when Clara had to let go of her hand to pick up some fruit. Three seconds later Missy was gone, she walked as fast as she could without it looking suspicious. She loved pianos and she loved causing chaos. Like last time when she stole that piano, it wasn't even that hard to steal it, you know, she just picked her favourite one and apparated her TARDIS around it, nobody noticed, well nobody except Clara, who thought it was weird they suddenly have two pianos home and not one. Missy had to return the stolen one, Clara wouldn't talk to her if she didn't and Missy didn't want that, she liked her pet way too much for that. Affection is proper weird she decided that night as she curled up next to Clara in their bed. Anyways back to present, Missy arrived to the music store, they had some Stradivari on display there, she loved Stradivari, fine guy this Antonio. Missy being Missy immediately started producing a plan to steal the precious violin.

Wait what was that? That was something shiny. Where did it go? I want shiny. Like all five-year-olds Missy liked shiny things and got very easily distracted by them, the more mysterious and shinier the better. And Missy was off after the shiny, now she definitely won't be able to get back to Clara without her noticing. There's shiny. Come here, shiny, don't be shy. No wait, where did it go again? If anyone watched Missy right now, they would've probably thought of a cat chasing the little red dot from a laser pointer, or a five-year-old chasing a ball. The shiny thing, which was actually a broken Cybermat, noticed Missy is following it tried to get away as fast as possible. It was too late, Missy was already way too close.


Meanwhile on the other side of the shopping centre in the grocery store Clara finally noticed something was missing, or rather someONE. Oh shit, thought Clara, oh no no no, this is not good. Missy I'll kill you. Where are you? Clara started to panic. This wasn't good, given the fact her girlfriend also drank coffee this morning, which is, in general, not a great thing to do. Okay, what now? Where could Missy be? Two options either A) in the music shop or B) anywhere else. Great that narrows it down. She will be causing chaos, I'm certain, what else would she be doing? Continued Clara thinking. Her plan was to go pay for the groceries and then go check the music shop, since that's where Missy would probably be.

Missy wasn't there, of course she wasn't. Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me. Where and how am I supposed to find her now? God dammit. I should really put some tracking device on her, if she continues doing this. Oh Missy, you're so dead. Clara walked out of the shop, she had no idea where her girlfriend could be. Missy didn't have phone, so calling her was out of question. Clara's only option was to go home, not that she liked the idea though. But Missy was God knows where and Clara didn't have the energy to walk around London looking for some chaos, instead she'll go home, have a lovely cup of tea and believe Missy will turn up eventually.


Missy finally caught the Cybermat. It was a broken, harmless little thing nothing that would interest Missy longer. She threw it on the ground and looked around. She...wasn't...in the shopping centre anymore. How did that happen? When did that happen? Clara surely must've noticed I'm not there by now, not that I care. Oh hell, I do care. Damn these stupid feelings. Missy didn't do feelings, why did she care about what Clara thinks so much suddenly? She has to think about that, but not now, now she needs to get back to the grocery store she left Clara in. Missy practically ran to the shopping centre. She had to find Clara. Clara will be in the store, 100%.

Clara wasn't in the grocery store (by this time she was already on her way home). Missy strangely didn't know what to do. That was completely new feeling for Missy, she always knew what to do. Okay Missy, think. What would you do, if you were Clara? GO HOME! That's where Clara went, she probably thinks I'll come back on my own. Yes! She'll be so mad at me. Really, Missy? Are you really thinking about what Clara will think of you? That's not like you. Just stop it. Missy's head was a mess. Feelings were new to her, she didn't understand them, didn't know what to do about them. But she knew one, she likes Clara, she likes her too much. And with that Missy went home.


Clara was sitting on the sofa, drinking her third cup of tea and she was starting to get worried about Missy. Don't get her wrong it was normal for Missy to just disappear for a bit and then just pop out of nowhere, but she left a note every time. Now she didn't and it bothered Clara.

"Hello, poppet." Clara jumped after hearing the familiar voice behind her. She set her cup down and stood up, facing the other woman.

"Where have you been?! I was worried about you. You can't do this to me." practically shouted Clara, she didn't like not knowing where Missy is.

"Now now, poppet, no need to shout. I was just tracking a suspicious looking object that turned out to be a broken Cybermat." answered Missy calmly, "no need to be worried."

"What do you mean, no need to be worried. You literally vanished and didn't say a word. You have no idea how scared I was."

"Scared? For me? Oh, how cute, darling." Missy tried to play it cool, but inside she was sad, because she disappointed her Clara. Missy didn't like this.

"I hate you so much, you know that?" and with that Clara pulled Missy for a kiss. "Don't you dare disappear like that ever again."

The End

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