Sweet moments

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Song: Sweet tooth by Cavetown, And Niki and Wilbur have an adorable friendship.

Who requested: 

Type: Platonic Fluff

Description: Niki and Wilbur bump into each other while they were just out for a walk not having anything to do currently, and Niki decides to take Wilbur to her bakery , and they have fun and bake a cake.

(This takes place in early l'manburg so bare with me here because I can't remember it all to well, but I remember parts of it)

(Also sorry if this doesn't sound like their characters I just don't really know how they act, because I don't really do emotions. Sorry if this is short and kind of rushed, but I have homework to do, but I wanted to post something because you guys deserve something.)

(Niki POV)

I was walking through l'manburg just looking around at all the pretty flowers, (I don't know why but I've imagined l'manburg just having this beautiful forest area filled with bees and pretty flowers, and like a little lake and a waterfall anyways back to the story) when all the sudden I heard someone yelling my name. I looked around and saw, Wilbur! He came running towards me, and he had the biggest smile on his face. It was nice to see my friend smiling it's been a while since he's looked so happy. 

"Hi Wilbur!," I said returning the smile he was giving me.

"Niki, what are you busy right now?," Wilbur asked looking like there was something he wanted to show me.

"Nope, I'm just walking around right now because I didn't have anything else to do," I said.

"Great!," Wilbur said, "I wanted to give you something I made for you!," he said taking a little bag out of his pocket.

He grabbed my hand and told me to close my eyes so I did. "You can open them now," Wilbur said. When I opened my eyes I saw a little necklace with a little flower locket on it, I opened the locket, and in it I saw a little picture of me and Wilbur, when Wilbur was playing his guitar, while I was making flower crowns. 

"Aww Wilbur I love it," I said with a big smile on my face. Wilbur smiled even bigger which I didn't even know was possible. Then I had an amazing idea.

"Hey Wilbur would you like to see my new bakery?," I asked.

"Of course I would I have heard about it from Tommy and Tubbo I just have been busy with everything lately so I haven't been able to come see it for myself yet," Wilbur said with a slight hit of sadness in his voice at the end.

"Hey, that's fine Wilbur we've all been pretty busy lately I'm just glad we're able to have some free time right now," I said as I watched his smile reappear on his face. I grabbed Wilbur's hand and started walking to the bakery. (It's sad I feel I have to say this but, this is PLATONIC, you can hold hands platonically, I hold my friends hand all the time.)

When we got to the bakery Me and Wilbur went inside and Wilbur had the idea that we bake something together which of course I agreed to because it sounds really fun, the only problem is we don't know what we're gonna bake.

"How about we bake a lemon cake?," Wilbur suggested

I agreed because honestly lemon cake sounded really good, so me and Wilbur got out all the ingredients to make the cake, and found some vanilla ice cream we could have with the cake when it was done, so we decided to put the ice cream back in the freezer and save it for later.

(Time skip because I don't know how to make cakes)

(Wilbur's POV)

After Niki put the cake in the oven I got bored, because now we didn't know what to do, that's when I saw the still open bag of flour on the table. I plotted an evil plan and grabbed a pinch of flour. "Hey Niki," I said getting her to look at me. "Yes Wilbur," She asked and turned to look at me. As soon as she turned towards me I threw the flour at her. She looked so shocked, it was hilarious so I busted out laughing.

(Niki's POV)  

I turned to look at Wilbur and as soon as I did I got a face-full of flour. I was so surprised, and then I heard Wilbur burst out laughing, so I wiped the flour off my face, and grabbed my own handful of flour, and threw it straight in his face. He looked so funny so I started laughing. Then I saw Wilbur wipe of his face, and grab two handfuls of flour and he started chasing me. We started running all of the bakery, and them eventually we ran out of the bakery, and ended up in a forest area with flowers and a pretty waterfall. I sat down in the flowers, and so did Wilbur, we were both trying to catch are breath, and our faces hurt from laughing so much, but it was totally worth it. I grabbed Wilbur's hand and took him to the waterfall, and we sat down under a tree, and we had the perfect view of the sunset. I covered my mouth while I yawned, trying to hide how sleepy I was, but Wilbur noticed anyways, and he yawned to, and I put my head on his shoulder, and started drifting off. "Goodnight Niki, thank you for today," was the last thing I heard before I drifted off to dream land.

(Wilbur's POV)

I felt Niki put her head on my shoulder, so I looked over to her and saw her falling asleep. I pulled her closer to me to make sure she was comfortable, and I yawned. I felt Niki relax. "Goodnight Niki, thank you for today," was the last thing I said before she fell asleep. I picked her up and made sure she was in a comfortable position before I started walking back to her house.

(Time skip to when Wilbur got to Niki's house)

'Good thing Niki gave me a spare key' I thought to my self, as I quietly opened Niki's door and carried her inside, closing it behind me. I laid Niki down on the couch, and grabbed a blanket with small cupcakes and flowers from the closet, and put it over Niki, making sure she was warm, and comfortable. Then I left, and locked the door behind me, and I started walking back to my house exhausted. When I got home I made sure to lock the door behind me, and then I carefully made my way up to my room closed, the door I started remembering all the fun I had with Niki before I fell asleep.

Thank you for reading this have a good day/night/evening and make sure you drink some water, and at least try to get some sleep (Because I can't). Love you all ~ Clove

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