Maito Chōno

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Kanji:蝶乃 舞人

Romanji:Chōno Maito






Birthdate:June 21st



Affiliation:Demon Slayer Corps

Demon Slayer
Butterfly Hashira

Combat Style:Butterfly Breathing

Maito Chōno (蝶乃 舞人, Maito Chōno) is a main character in Demon Slayer:New Generation. He's a member of the new generation of Demon Slayers formed by Kagaya Ubuyashiki's son Kiriya Ubuyashiki and is the current Butterfly Hashira.


Maito is the second tallest of the Hashira's at 6'5. He's described as very beautiful by the subordinate slayers with long pink hair with slick back bangs and hazel eyes.

He wears the started black demon slayer uniform. Over his uniform he wears a white haori, which has a butterfly wing pattern that fades into a pale turquoise then pink color on the sleeves and hem which are cuffed with a black and white dotted trim.


Maito is a kind, gentle and soft-spoken man. He is also very considerate, he's is also known to be kinder than anyone else with a strong heart.


Chōno (蝶乃, Chōno) - Chō (蝶, Chō) means butterfly and no (乃, no) is a Chinese character used as a possessive particle, now only used in personal names. Together, his surname can mean "of the butterflies". This is referenced to his self created breathing style The Breath of Butterflies.

Maito (舞人, Maito) means "dancer." Referencing to his dance-like movements he incorporates into his techniques.


Overall Abilities: As a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, Maito is a very powerful and skilled combatant. He is said to have completed the Final Selection within a mere two months of training. His abilities were put on display during the Sakura Festival Arc where he quickly subdued and defeated a group of demons created by Fifth Star Ranked, Gyo, and later played a big part in the fight against Fourth Star Rangked, Tengu, specifically against his clone, "Zohakuten", which possesses the combined strength of four Upper Rank demons. With the help of his Demon Slayer Mark, Maito was able to fend off the incredibly powerful Upper Rank until sunrise. During the Dark Castle Arc, Maito held his own against the newly appointed Upper Rank Four, Nakime. Afterwards, he managed to land a surprise technique on the Demon Queen herself, Mizuki Kanzaki, and played his part in the fight to stall for sunrise.

Demon Slayer Mark: Maito manifests his Demon Slayer Mark during his fight with Upper Star 2, Kaedae. His mark depicted a beautifully decorated and intricate butterfly on his left cheek. His mark enhances all of his already superhuman abilities. When he gets his mark and starts fighting Kaedae with his mark, Kaedae is overpowered for a little bit, taken by surprise as she remarks that it's a shame that she didnt have this power already and wasn't a demon too.

Enhanced Flexibility: Maito has been noted to possess an extremely flexible body, allowing him to achieve a wide range of motion. He has incorporated his innate flexibility into his Butterfly Breathing techniques, successfully using it to outpace and counterattack Zohakuten's techniques without much trouble.

Immense Speed & Reflexes: As a Hashira, Maito is an extremely fast individual. Despite this, he is the slowest runner out of all his Hashira brethren. However, his techniques have been noted to be faster than the Sound Hashira, Tengen Uzui II, who, in stark contrast to his, is the fastest runner out of the nine Hashira.

Fighting Style

Master Swordswoman: As a Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, Maito is one of the most powerful and skilled swordsman in the entire organization. His fighting style is incredibly unique, but as effective as traditional swordsmanship styles. Maito's swordplay specializes in sword thrusting and piercing techniques in order to inject poison into demons. His sword thrusts are so fast and powerful that they can pierce boulders and out-speed Water Breathing's Drop Ripple Thrust form, the fastest thrusting technique in that Breathing Style.

Breathing Style

Butterfly Breathing (蝶かわひらこの呼吸こきゅ, Kawahirako no kokyū) is a Breathing Style derived from Insect Breathing which itself comes from Flower Breathing.

It replicates butterflies, especially the gracefulness and agility of the creature and replicates it into the users movements, techniques, and abilities. All of the techniques involve complex movements, jumps, and speeds. If the user has mastered Butterfly Breathing, visualize themselves creating and manipulating butterflies when unleashing techniques.

Known Techniques

First Form: Morpho Slash (壱いちノ型かた 青あお条すじ斬きり, Ichi no kata: Aosujikiri?) - Maito slashes horizontally to slash off limbs of the enemy, if mastered well, it can even go for the head directly.

Second Form: Cottage of White (弐にノ型かた 皓しろ零れい細さい, Ni no kata: Shiro Reisai?) - Maito runs all around the enemy at a very high speed so the opponent can't see him clearly and then he slashes off the enemy's part when they see an opening.

Third Form: Monarch Migration (参さんノ型かた 大おお樺かば斑まだら渡わたり, San no kata: Ōkabamadara Watari?) - Maito runs in a flow like motion and kills anything in it's path.

Fourth Form: Moon Moths Ray (肆しノ型かた 月がつ蛾がの光こう線せん, Shi no kata: Gatsuga no Kōsen?) - Maito jumps into the air and comes down in a spiraling motion and slashes the demon's head off.

Fifth Form: Swarm Of the Swallowtail (伍ごノ型かた 揚羽あげは群むれ, Go no kata: Agehamure?) - Maito calls upon a swarm of swallowtail butterflies as a diversion then comes out of them and kills the opponent.

Sixth Form: Sonoran Slash (陸ろくノ型かた 挵せせりの突つき, Roku no kata: Seseri no Tsuki?) - Maito holds his sword over his head with the tip of the blade facing above the head. Then Maito brings the blade down in front of him with a fast slashing motion. The slashing motion travels and cuts the first thing it comes into contact with.

Seventh Form: Solar Pollen (漆しちノ型かた 太たい陽よう花か粉ふん, Shichi no kata: Taiyōgafun?) - Maito plants his sword into the ground, huge flowers a little over the size of a average man appear, then the flowers bloom and pollen and butterfly are released into the air. Maito uses this as a distraction then kills the opponent.

Eight Form: Purple Emperor's Poison (捌はちノ型かた 紫むらさき毒どく, Hachi no kata: Murasakizoko?) - This form is considered the most deadly and cruel, it is the only on that uses poison. Maito slashes off the head with poison, the poison stops the corpse from burning and also paralysis them, the poison is linked with the sun by an enchantment so if inside the corpse will burn as if it were in the sun but also works outside.

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