its up to me

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darryls pov ఌꨄ❦

i woke up to the sound of nothingness, i sighed trying to keep my eyes open. I swung my feet to the floor letting out an exhausted yawn.

i got up as my eyes felt as if they were holding bricks.

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my work clothes i wear everyday. I felt numb as if i haven't slept in years,  i felt weak as if i was trying to lift 10 bricks and i felt empty as if all my feelings had disappeared as if all meaning to life had disappeared.

i walked down my short hallway grabbing my car keys. i opened my brown door till i reached the apartment hallway. I walked downstairs till i reached the door that led outside.

I walked to my car and unlocked it with the button then hoping in. Once my car warmed up i started driving to the coffee shop i visit every morning.

I ordered my usual being a hot coffee with half and half creamer and a small amount of sugar.

I drove out the parking lot of the coffee shop then getting back to driving to work. The radio played as i drove down a green light.

Traffic was busy as usual but i always make sure to come out the house 30 minutes earlier.

i drove stoping at a familiar red light making sure not to be late.

i look out the dark sky from how early it is  listening to the people on the radio speak.

i felt myself get cold i rubbed my hands on opposite arms shivering as i turned up the heat taking a sip of my now warm coffee.

My name is Darryl Noveschosch Im 23 and i live alone. i work a middle class business maybe 45 minutes from my apartment.

i pull into the parking lot of my work and park.
I open my car door closing it the bottom of my shoes turning wet and dirty.

i open the door to the cold filled room of my job.

I walk towards the elevator everyone saying there fair good mornings.

Im soon in the elevator waiting to be at my floor.
I walk to my computer and sit down turning the pc on.

i sigh at my boring job looking out the window the sky gloomy and rainy.

i type it making a sound each key i press.

my work day is boring it just consumes me getting yelled at by my boss, Making my boss coffee And typing on a computer.

everyone typed in the soundless room.

time skip ꨄఌ❦

i look at the clock finally work was over.
I get up from my desk turning off my pc sighing as i walk to the nearest elevator.

i walk in the elevator as i press the button and it goes down.

i clock out and leave the tall building.

i walk to my car and enter the rain drops blocking my veiw.

i turn on my wind shield wipers as it starts storming.

i never liked  storms it always scared me.

every time a storm is happening i feel scared and vulnerable.

dont kill me just yet DISCONTINUEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang