Raging Waves

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A cookie is sitting on a golden crescent moon in the midst of a raging storm. She is trying to find the cookie responsible for the crashing waves and thunder flooding villages on the shores.

She is nearly knocked off of her moon by a crashing wave. Barely clinging on to the tip of the crescent moon, she tries to make it rise in the air to avoid more waves, but she fails. She is petrified from her height. If she were to fall now, she would crack in two from the impact. She thought this was high enough to avoid the waves.

The last thing Moonlight Cookie sees before losing her grip on the moon and crashing into the raging waters was the silhouette of a tower in the distance.


She is cold.

She wonders how she feels cold. Is she not dead? 

She thought death would be quick, and painless.

Yet everything hurts.

Moonlight Cookie opens her eyes. She is in a bed that is not her own. The room is made of... ice?

"Hello?" she calls out, to no answer. Looking down, she sees that her whole torso is covered in bandages. That must be why everything hurt so much. She stood up, and found that she was wearing a skirt woven from kelp and seaweed. 

A strange cookie enters the room, and Moonlight Cookie is struck by her beauty. 

Her hair is a waterfall, and her dress is the same. She had a coral and pearl hairpin, and was clutching a dagger.

"Oh, you are awake, strange one." she says. "I am not here to harm you. Come, you must rest."

The stranger gently lifted Moonlight Cookie back into the bed she had woken up in.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Moonlight Cookie asked, head spinning. This was all so strange. How did she end up here? Who is this mysterious water cookie?

Then it hit her. This was the cookie she was looking for. The sea nymph. 

"I am Sea Fairy Cookie." the water cookie said. "I apologize for this situation. You fell into the ocean during one of my... episodes... and I rescued you. You were nearly cracked in two. I had to dress you in bandages."

Moonlight Cookie became very aware of her chest all of a sudden and pulled the bed covers up to her chin. "Why would you rescue me? You are the sea demon, are you not?"

Sea Fairy Cookie laughed. "I am no demon. I just... have some problems, is all."

"But your waves are destroying villages everywhere. Innocent cookies are being hurt!" Moonlight Cookie cried.

Sea Fairy Cookie's face darkened. "Innocent? Those cookies cursed me. They are the reason why I can never relinquish my grip on this dagger. They are why I can never be truly free." Sea Fairy Cookie turned away. "You must rest. I will be back later with food, if you are hungry."

"Wait!" Moonlight Cookie said, grabbing Sea Fairy Cookie's hand. "How do I get home?"

"You are in no fit state to go home, strange cookie." Sea Fairy Cookie replied. "You must remain here until you heal."

"Well, if I must be here for that long, may we at least be friends?" Moonlight Cookie asked.

"I cannot object to that." Sea Fairy Cookie said, with a faint laugh. 

Sea Fairy Cookie walked around, and sat down on the bed next to Moonlight Cookie. 

"You never told me your name." Sea Fairy Cookie said. 

"Moonlight Cookie." Moonlight Cookie replied.

"What a pretty name!" Sea Fairy Cookie said. "Why were you flying out during a storm, may I ask?"

"I was actually looking for you, to ask you to stop harming the villages." Moonlight Cookie admitted. "But now, I have to thank you for saving me."

Sea Fairy Cookie smiled. "Help will always come to those who need it."


It was two months since Moonlight Cookie had been swept into the ocean on that fateful night. Her cracks were fully healed, but she had begun to enjoy her company with Sea Fairy Cookie.

Moonlight Cookie tapped on the door lightly of Sea Fairy Cookie's bedroom. She opened the door, to see Sea Fairy Cookie standing on her balcony of ice, staring out at the ocean beyond. 

"Is everything alright?" Moonlight Cookie asked, walking over to stand beside Sea Fairy Cookie on the balcony.

"I have been overcome with... a strange feeling." Sea Fairy Cookie replied wistfully. "There is a certain cookie, that when she walks into the room, I feel as if butterflies are fluttering in my stomach. I also feel that I would like to be very close to her."

"I believe that what you are feeling is love." Moonlight Cookie replied. "It is a truly strange thing, but one comes to appreciate it in time." 

"But, I feel that if I were to ever be without this Cookie, I would never be able to live." Sea Fairy Cookie said, trembling slightly. "I don't know what to do, Moonlight Cookie."

Moonlight Cookie turned to Sea Fairy Cookie and grasped her hand that was not holding the silver dagger. "I want you to know, Sea Fairy Cookie, that if this cookie is so important to you, then you should tell her how you feel. I know she will reciprocate your feelings, for a cookie as beautiful as you."

Sea Fairy Cookie smiled, and leaned in, and kissed Moonlight Cookie. After pulling away, Sea Fairy Cookie turned away.

"I apologize. I should have asked for your consent."

Moonlight Cookie cupped Sea Fairy Cookie's face in her hands. "My darling, you have nothing to apologize for.

(author's note: non-consentual touching, kissing, or any kind of intimacy or contact is never okay. this is just for the story, i apologize if i offended any readers. in this case, both characters have given consent.)

Moonlight Cookie kissed Sea Fairy Cookie again, and after pulling away, the two Cookies stared off the balcony into the sea.

thank you for reading my cringy story! i hope you enjoyed it, i will make a part 2 if requested by the majority of readers. i am also offering story commissions!

i WILL write:


romance (not nsfw)


childxchild (PLATONIC)

other genres are okay as well!

i will NOT write:


p/rn or sm/t 


gore/extreme violence

thanks again, guys! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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