Chapter 1

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"Umm...where to put you? You can do great in Slytherin or Ravenclaw, " the hat said.

"Where can I be unquestionably believable if I get into trouble?" I whispered to it.

"Ravenclaw, but because you asked, 'Slytherin.'" it shouted the last word. Fair enough, I jumped off the seat to join the Slytherins. There were loud cheers and claps. Mum and dad would be so proud. All of my ancestors were Slytherins, except maybe a few who got into Ravenclaw.

"Lovegood Luna," the professor announced. She looks like a bizarre barbie. Is she wearing pistachio shells on her ears? That's so odd! I like her. She belongs to the 'I have a weird fashion sense' house. But whatever, this ugly old hat is boring, so it said "Ravenclaw."

"Weasley Ginerva" was next. Oh please, how many redheads are there? "Gryffindor!" it shouted, "huh, I bet it'll shout Gryffindor if we place it on a pumpkin." I realized I said that loudly when I heard people around me cackle. "Welcome, I'm Blaise Zabini," he extended his hand. For Merlin's sake, what do I saaaaaay now? Play it cool. "Hello, I'm Astoria Greengrass," I shook my hands with his, and he replied, "I heard." Umm, ok? Then I heard another name announced, "Rosewood Candace" the hat took a few seconds to pronounce her a Ravenclaw. "I'm Marcus Flint, the Slytherin House prefect." the tall boy introduced himself. It was time, and I was the first one to rise. All the first-year Slytherins followed the perfect. "Watch out for the steps," Marcus announced. We exited the great hall and entered the dungeon. Get lost here to be never found. A perfect place to play hide-and-seek, but I could hear people breathe, so maybe not.

 After a long walk and quite a few turns, we reached an end. He whispered the password to the stone wall, and it opened wide. I stepped inside, and my eyes automatically shut to inhale the aroma of damp earth, fire, and books. I felt at home. The sight was breathtaking. Are we seriously under the black lake? What if the glass breaks open? "Do not worry. The charms are too strong to be broken," Flint said, knowing what everyone was thinking. I sighed in relief. An entire wall looks over the black lake, and a pair of green curtains cover it when needed. Silver Chandeliers hung from the stone roof. There are numerous books on the shelves. The portrait of Salazar Slytherin was above the fireplace. This man looks kinda scary. "Now stand in front of Salazar Slytherin's portrait," Flint ordered. "Pledge this with me, 'Slytherins help Slytherins, through pride and blood. We are a family who swears to be one.'  I pledged with sincerity and joy. "The stairs on the right lead to girls' dormitories, and the other to the boys. You don't want to miss breakfast tomorrow, so go to your dorms and rest," he said. I reached the dorms with other girls. As I was about to enter mine, I almost tripped when a girl held me by my hand. "Thanks," I smiled, embarrassed. "You're welcome," she said. Ugh! not 20 minutes in, and already embarrassing myself. "Hello, I'm Amber Pucey," she said. Her eyes are the biggest brown eyes I've ever seen. "Astoria Greengrass," I smiled. "Oh we're in the same dorm," she sounded excited. She seems nice. "Wow, this is not what I expected," I said. "Yes, what a privilege being a Slytherin, can you imagine sharing a small dorm with four people," she said. 

Slytherins have an extra privilege of choosing to have a private dorm or sharing between two people. The beds are covered in silk sheets, a shelf full of books, tables, fireplace, and the windows which seem to be absent, there are crests and carpets everything green and silver. The room is slightly cold, but as lux as home. I don't have much to complain, all the donations from purebloods is worth it after all. We heard a knock on the door, being bothered already?  I went to open it, a short dark haired girl was standing outside. "After tomorrow's classes,  be present in the  common room, bring your roomie along, good night." ok? "why?" I asked. She rolled her eyes, and ignored me. "Wow, such a friendly person," I thought, after shutting the door. 

"Good night Astoria," she said. "Good night."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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