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CROWLEY HATE TO ADMIT how alluring the record shop is, from the glass window filled with famous faces to the cheap shelves you'll find in mall sale. A ten year old worn-out christmas lights swaying tranquilly from the ceiling reflected on Crowley's shades, a soft rock playing on the background, and parts of instruments hanging on the wall.
He wasn't bothered by ghastly decorations nor the owner's frequent clicking of their tounge. He was bothered by the sticky floors where he's been sitting for the past hour with various of albums spread across his crossed legs, and oh dear someone's name, the unbearing smell of it. However, he kept his mind on his mission. His yellow eyes with slitted vertical pupils scanning every song title on the back of the cover.
Other costumers eyed him with curiousity, wondering if he's buying something for himself or for somebody else. Well, the latter make sense since he kept muttering someone's name might not like it. A young man stepped towards Crowley's slouched figure, bending down to reach the other man's viewpoint.
"What you got there, chap?" He enthusiastically spoke a little higher than his normal voice range, like he's speaking to a lost grumpy kid in IKEA at food court. Crowley growled in reply. The man chuckled as he saw the album names. Just like my pater's taste, he thought to himself.
"I, myself, know a quite handful of old bands." That made Crowley glowered at the young man, lifting Queen's A Night at the Opera in his hands gripping it ever so slightly like weapon.
"Bugger off 'fore I decapitate you with this masterpiece." The young man chuckled even more, shaking his head as he stood back up straight.
"You remind me of my neighbour, mister. Anyhow, tada."
He espied the young man as he strolled to the next shelf.
He went back to his business, gliding his fingers across the brand new cassette.

BILLIE COULDN'T BELIEVE IT. Their younger sister punched her classmate right in the gut just because her classmate made fun of Barney™. Earlier, they had a lovely tête-à-tête with the boy's mum, screaming how his son shite himself infront of his friends. They couldn't help but let out a giggle whilst the other is wailing how rude and a disgrace to the society they were.
Well, Billie thought, He's nothing but a cunt.
Billie walked hastily down the hall, leading to the playgroup room where their younger sister is awaiting for their arrival. They looked over the window to the room and there she was, faintly fidgeting with hem of her blouse. The sight of their little sister made them let out a long heartfelt sigh. She knows what she'd done and she's guilty about it. Butter lifted her head up when the door's screeching sound reached her tiny ears. There entered Billie in a discoloured jumper, dirty white canvas shoes, adding trousers with paint all over it. Butter's eyes scanned her older sibling, looking for disappointment and annoyance glinting through their eyes. But Instead, a grin plastered across the young adult's face, opening their arms for Butter. Butter remained seated, staring at them with perplexity.
"Come on, now. I'm proud of you and I won't tell mum." Now, that made the young one perked up and ran to their arms. "I was worried you'll tell mother and that would cause my allowance to decrease." Billie gasped, feeling offended. "When did I ever betrayed you?" There are a handful of occasions Butter could point out. The forgotten movie nights, the time when their nosy neighbour whom Butter repelled want to see her but Billie dragged her out of the house, the promised ice cream, and... Butter didn't live long enough to start an argument about betrayal but then again, Billie caused her emotional crisis time to time when they're supposed to be a good first-born and show her to the sane path. "I can give you a thousand, B. A thousand." Butter exasperated.
Billie chuckled, leaning slightly towards the kid. "Do you want to buy DVD for tonight? There's a cheap dvd and record shop downtown, I think mum wouldn't notice a slight change of her bank account."
"No work tonight?" Billie pouted.
"No work tonight."

"THERE MUST BE SOMETHING HE WOULD LIKE." Crowley muttered to himself. He knows Aziraphael preferred classical pieces than modern music but he's the one buying, not him; Aziraphael needs to adjust and be happy about what Crowley would buy for him.
But Crowley, this isn't about you. A voice spoke in his head. "Ngk. Not my problem."
The chime just above the door rang across the room followed by the voice of a child.
"I want to be mature! Let's watch Babadook, I heard you'll become adult when you watch that!"
Crowley frowned upon hearing the child blabbering. What in sata- jes-... someone's name is that kid talking about?
"Rubish, Who told you that?'' Another voice spoke but this time, it has more timbre and slight scratchiness that sits on top of their voice. "Kitty and Destiny." the child replied.
"Okay, first of all, don't ever trust people who has names like that; second of all, no, we're not watching Babadook. It makes you become adult, you know why? Because you won't be able to sleep, and that what's most adult do."
Crowley became impatient with two albums holding him back from finally purchasing and two loud voices talking disregarding their fellow costumers. He stood up, picking up A night at the Opera the one he used to threaten that infuriating welsh man and Marylin Manson's Antichrist Superstar album. Of course, he's buying the Queen's album for himself and Antichrist Superstar for Aziraphael. He's hoping Aziraphael would get the joke but knowing Aziraphael, Crowley would probably explain it first before Aziraphael would let out either a laugh or an exposition about how the ineffable plan is still on going. Crowley dusted himself off, ready to wak away. "Hey, mister with an ice cream head!" Crowley, at a leisurely pace, turns his body to the voice. Ice cream head?
Oh dear, that made Crowley glowered at the small figure standing beside the scattered pile of records he left without a care. "Have some respect for the owner here and clean your mess, old man."
He strode to where the kid stood then bends his body down. Crowley frowned by the name callings this young girl aimed at him.
"Run, kid; if you prefer your head still intact on your body." He was so close to the child that the child is able see through the black glasses he was wearing. Yellow? The child's eyes widened.
Who wears eye contacts and hide them? She inquired herself.
"Butter!" Footsteps came to a halt. "Butter! There you are; You've got me worried!" Crowley stepped back, his eyes scanning the newcomer. "You're bothering someone again?" The young man scolded. "No, I'm not. I'm just lecturing him!" the kid named Butter defended.
Who in their right mind would name their child after a food ingredient? Crowley thought.
"I apologize for the inconvenience, sir. I would take responsible for whatever my sister had done." Sister? I thought he's the father.
Crowley scanned the young man and the kid once again, before letting a scoff and turning away.

"WHAT AN ILL-BRED MAN HE IS!" Billie complained at their sister. "Agreed. He told me to run if I prefer my head still intact on my body."
"He said what?!" Billie's voice screeching.
They gripped the DVDs in their hands, as Butter's mouth opened to say something but they already fled to follow the rude red headed man. Billie went to the counter, asking where that rude man had gone. "He drove off. Gone." The owner shrugged mindlessly. The owner's disregard made Billie's hackles rises which also made Butter sighed. "B, it's fine. Nothing harm done." "Nothing harm- B, that's not how you treat others especially a kid! That man's a red flag to everybody! I promise you, B, If I see that infuriating son of a bitch I would make him kneel before you!"
"Sounds good to me." Butter shrugged, sliding her tiny hand on Billie's clenched fist. She smiled up to her older sibling. "Next time, B. Let's just purchase this and go." Her soft voice echoed through Billie's ears, successfully calming their nerves down. They smiled back at her, nodding slightly at themselves. "Yeah, let's go."


I haven't done this for a while, and this story have been in my files for I don't know how long.
I'm supposed to finish my modules due tomorrow but here I am, finally finishing chapter one.
Anyhow, Let me know what you think of it!
Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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