Pregnancy Pains,Problems,etc.

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6 Months After The Fire...

Jessica's Pov: It was 6 months since i had almost lost my life. Justin and i had both completley healed from our broken legs and burns. We also got the house fixed. Only the bottom part of the house got damaged so we replaced everything. Thankfully my baby was still okay. Guess what we also found out? It a girl!! Im so excited to be having a baby girl and Justin is to. We already picked a name out for her. Her name will be McKynzee Kylie Elizabeth Bieber. I named her McKynzee because of one of my friends i have known for years, but sadly was killed after working with me at the strip club. Her middle name is Kylie because Justin likes it. Elizabeth because both of our grandparents picked it out. Yes i have grandparents. They are both 87 and they live in a retirment home so i called them and they like Elizabeth. I was excited especially when i found out it was twins!!!! The gender of the other baby is female as well. Justin picked out her name. Cassadee Annabelle Sophia Bieber. His mom and dad like Annabelle and i picked out Sophia. The twins are both due on July 4 or June 30. Im very excited because i love July 4th! I also love summer because i was born in August. I am 8 months right now and the current date is May 16. Justin and I are going strong and we have already got all the baby stuff.

Justin's POV: I am so glad that Jessica was okay. We found out we are having twin daughters. I think thats just really cute. We have both been working really hard to make sure they have a great life. We already set aside both of their collage funds. $10,000 each. We got their rooms all decorated and everything is going as planned, well everything except the fact that i have to go on tour. I am a pop star and i do have to tend to my fans. I have been tweeting lots and i did pop the news about the pregnancy. Most of them were very happy and they were sending baby names. i did pick Cassadee becausee many fans sent it to me and i thought the name was just really sweet. Theyre due next month or in july. I can't wait. I am going on tour in September and i will not be back until September the next year. I really dont want to leave my baby girls at home when they were just born, but i have a job and people are counting on me. I have to tell Jess.

Jessica's POV: "Jess, baby can you come here" Justin shouted from the bedroom. I walked over and sat on the bed. "Baby, I have some news and you might not like it. I have to go on tour in September and ill be gone for one year exactly." He spat out. I sat there moitionless. Not really sure what i was supposed to do. He put his arm on my shoulder but I bbrushed it off. "Jess dont be mad, i have to make money for us somehow and thats my job." He said. Even though i knew there were down sides to dating a Superstar/singer/popstar/teen hearthrob, It still didnt make what he had to say better. I hopped of the bed and went into the twins room. I sat on the florr and just cried. I didnt know what else to do. I sat there for like 10 min. then i got up and started singing to the twins. "Across the ocean, across the sea Startin' to forget the way you look at me now Over the mountains, across the sky Need to see your face and need to look in your eyes Through the storm and, through the clouds Bumps on the road and upside down now I know it's hard baby, to sleep at night

Don't you worry Cause Everything's gonna be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight Be alright, ai-ai-ai-aight Through the sorrow, andthe fights Don't you worry, Cause everything's gonna Be Alright,ai-ai-ai-aight

Be Alright,ai-ai-ai-aight.. All alone, in my room Waiting for your phone call to come soon And for you, oh, I would walk a thousand miles To be in your arms

Holding my heart..." . I stopped singing when i felt them kick. I guess it was their way of clapping. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face. I put my makeup on and a nice dress (In the pic.) I decided to go for a walk. I hopped out the door and started walking. Breathing in all the fresh air. Then i walked into the jamba juice store. I ordered a strawberry whirl and i left the store. Then the paparrazi came. "Jess hows the baby?" one said. "is it true you lost the baby" the other said. "what gender is it" another said. "is it twins,triplets,quads" the other said. The cameras where flashing in my eyes so i put my sunglasses on. "Im having twin girls" i said. It was getting a little to crazy so a local by stander helped be. "thanks so much you know sometimesss theyre a pain in the ... Omg Candice?" I said realizing that it was my bestfriend since elementary school. "hey girl! I couldnt let you suffer in that mess" she replied. I invited her back to the house. This would be fun, we also have lots of catching up to do.

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