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Jessa is bored by how they are sparring. They are both extremely obvious in their moves and she is easily able to counter them. She doesn't even try to hide how bored she is and almost misses a block since she is covering her mouth from a yawn.

"Seriously, you are the best of the sun elves? Fuck, I could beat you when I was just twelve years old." Dhiren looks startled at this and turns to Kallen to see if her words are accurate. He had no idea that she was that proficient at that age.

Kallen nods to his prince but keeps his eyes trained on Jessa. "Time to turn it up Jessa. This is getting boring and we still have a great deal to do this day." Kallen yells out to her.

With that Jessa stops playing with them and gets serious. She still doesn't use her full abilities. That is until she feels a spell trying to take hold. Then she gets pissed and lets loose all the pent up frustration she's been dealing with. Before much longer the two elves are barely conscious on the ground. 

The sun  elf guards are staring at Jessa in shock with wide eyes and no little fear. Jessa spits at the two even as Kallen goes forward and gives them each one of the potions Jessa detests.

Jessa suddenly feels herself refreshed and looks at a beaming Jethro. "Beautifully done, Jessa, beautifully done." The other deities all agree with him and no few of them are smirking at the defeated elves.

All Kaiston can do is shake his head mournfully at how poorly they performed. He'd seen humans that fought better than his children. The very humans that are travelling with Jessa to be exact.

Once the twins are able to stand on their own they look at Jessa with intense dislike and something more. The same look that Dhiren gave her the first time she won against him. She looks at them with narrowed eyes. "I see that you are poor losers as well as poorly trained fighters. I have no idea why you have such an elevated sense of superiority since you can't even do as well as my human guard. You aren't worth much as fighters and if you are the best that Lexin has to offer then it won't take long for the enemy to overrun and kill all of the over bearing and overly proud sun elves. Once the war is over we'll make sure to write songs to you talking about how you were destroyed with in hours of the invasion." Jessa says mostly to goad them into action once more. She still has a lot of tension to release.

"How dare you, you little bitch." One of the twins says and starts forward with his sword raised to strike. Jessa had anticipated the action and is ready. His twin on the other hand is no better and intends to come at Jessa in her blind side. He is nonplussed when his intended blow is stopped by another sword. This one held by another female.

He sneers at her thinking that she would fall to him easily. But he is once more the one to admit defeat. "You shouldn't try to interfere with Jessa when she fights. She has a tendency to kill those that take away her fun. Especially when she doesn't like them. And she seriously doesn't like you or your brother. She would happily kill you both as look at you. I have to say I don't blame her either." With that Sorsha sneers at the defeated prince spits and walks away. She never completely turns her back on him though. She can tell that he has little to no honor and would attack without warning after being defeated.

None of them take their eyes off the two defeated sun elves and so they watch with anticipation as they once more go against Jessa and now Sorsha. The two females once more defeat the elves.

Jessa has one of them on the ground with a knife to his throat just like she took down Dhiren. This time she presses on it enough to cut him. Not enough to actually kill him. She doesn't think that he deserves that, yet. But then again...

The elf notices that Jessa's eyes have gone colder and he knows that she will kill him if he doesn't get her to stop soon.

"Please, I concede. There is no need to kill me."

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