Chapter 2

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Yuki's POV:

Me, Stiles and Scott were on our way to Heather's birthday party. Me and Stiles know her since we were little, we used to play with her and have a sleepovers. When we get there Heather came to us and said ,,Stiles...Hey.'' She had a big smile on. ,,Hey, there's the birthday gi-'' Stiles started to say but was cut off with a pair of lips on his, it was Heather, she was kissing him. I looked at them with smile, while Scott with a shocked expression. Then they walked away probably to make out. We were left with Heather's best friend Danielle ,,Hey'' Said Scott to Danielle while I tried not to laugh when she just looked at him and then walked away. He looked at me hurt but soon laughed when he saw that I had a smile on my face, then we went to get a drink.

Stiles's POV:

Me and Heather went downstairs to pick out a bottle of wine, as soon as we walked in Heather closed the door while I looked around ,,Hey, remember when we were little kids and we used to come down here all the time and then we would-'' I was cut of by Heather's lips on mine ,,Yeah, we never did that'' I said to her with a small chuckle

,,Stiles....I just turned 17 today'' She told me while moving further into the basement ,,And you know what I want for my birthday?'' She asked me while pinning me to a column ,,A bike?'' I asked her with a nervous smile

Scott's POV:

Stiles was somewhere with some girls and Yuki...well I lost Yuki in the crowd, she's probably fine. Right know I'm outside talking to Allison and Lydia ,,This isn't the talk we were gonna have, is it?'' I asked with slight hope it was, she shoked her head ,,I need to show you something.'' She told me, she rolled up her sleeve and showed me a bruise on her arm.

The next day:

Yuki's POV:
I was at Derek's with Isaac and Derek himself, Isaac was pacing near the window while Derek was sitting on the chair reading a book with me standing behind him reading over his shoulder. ,,You know, I'm starting not to like this idea....sounds kind of dangerous.'' He said to us, we didn't give him even a glance so he continued ,,And I definitely don't like him.'' Derek finally stopped reading the book and answered the nervous boy ,,You'll be fine.'' I looked at Isaac and said ,,And if he hurts you I'm gonna turn him to stone.'' Isaac looked at me and smiled, he know how protective I can get. Derek went back to reading his book thinking Isaac was done with his little tantrum but was wrong ,,Does it have to be him?'' Isaac asked, Derek didn't even looked at him clearly irritaded ,,He knows how to do it. I don't.'' He answered with a slight irritation in his voice ,,Be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself.'' Derek continued his speech of why can't he be doing it. After a while of arguing between Isaac and Derek, I decided to hop in the conversation ,,Nobody likes him.'' Right at that moment the door opened ,,Boys and a beautiful young girl.'' Said Peter Hale and walked in ,,FYI, yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works. So I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face.'' He said while walking towards us, Derek looked at him without any emotions and said ,,We don't like you.'' He shuts his book and slamed it on the table ,,Now shut up and help us.'' Peter looked at him slightly taken back ,,Fair enough.'' He said and took out his claws.

Skip the whole process because I'm lazy

,,Isaac found them.'' Said Peter when he calmed down after what he saw ,,Erica and Boyd?'' Asked him Derek ,,I barely saw them. I mean, glimpses.'' He said with a small stuter, he wasn't even loking at us ,,But you did see them.'' I sad to him little angry now ,,And worse.'' Said Peter while rubing his hand, Derek looked like he knes what was his uncle talking about ,,Deucalion'' Said Derek while looking at his uncle, they looked at eachother while I looked at them shocked. I knew I had to ask Deuc what was happening, because if he had Erica and Boyd, I don't know what I would do. Would I be on his side? Or my friends side? With that toughs I walked away to clear my head leaving them to talk about what else Peter saw.

Skip few hours:

Right now I was in school talking to Aidan and Ethan ,,Come on you should totally come, Deucalion wants to see you so bad.'' Aidan said to me ,,Yeah, he miss you so much. He talks about you all the time.'' Ethan finished Aidan, then they both laughed ,,Fine, but just because I miss him too.'' I finally gave in and smiled and we went to our class, and yes we have all our classes together.

Scott's POV:

Me and Stiles were talking when I saw Yuki walking around school with the twins, for some reason I don't like them, There is something wrong with them ,,Hey, Scott.'' Stiles told me making me snap back to reality and turn towards him ,,You coming?'' He asked me, I turned back to where they were and slowly walked away while Stiles was looking at me worried, but followed me anyways.

Lydia's POV:

Me and Allison were in a library, trying to figure out what the bruises mean, then I saw the twins and Yuki walking into the library. What was she doing with them? ,,I want one.'' I said to Allison while looking at them, Allison looks at me then at them ,,Which one?'' She whispered with a smile, I looked at her like she was crazy ,,The straight one, obviously.'' I said to her and sipped of my coffee. She looked back at them and saw that one of the twins was looking at Denny, while Danny was looking at him which makes him bump into someone. Yuki and the other twin laughed a little and continue their conversation. Then I took my chance walked towards them and started talking with the straight twin whos name is Aidan, while Yuki leaved with the gay one named Ethan.

Ethan's POV:

After school I met with Aidan and Yuki at the parking lot infront of the school, I could see how much was Yuki excided to see Deucalion, I'm so happy that she's his mate, she's amazing and funny and so nice. Anyways we sat on our bikes while Yuki sat behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, I felt so nice with her, i feel like she's already a part of the family. After like ten minutes we arrived home. Yuki quickly jumped off the bike and waited until we unlocked the door. When we arrived to the doors into our apartment me and Aidan looked at Yuki to see her waiting patiently until we open the door, so that's what I did, I opemed the door and walked in ,,Deucalion, you have a visitor.'' I yelled, after not even a minute we saw him walking in with his alpha eyes so he could see, when he saw Yuki he emediatly smiled, she smiled too and then jumped in his arms. They stayed like that fo like another ten minutes, in that time Kali and Ennis walked in, when they saw Deucalion with Yuki in his arms Kali asked ,,Is that his mate?'' Aidan looked at her with a proud smile and answered ,,Yeah, that's Yuki.'' Kali nodded and then looked back at them, she smiled and cleared her throat. Yuki and Deucalion turn towards us and smiled, we smiled back and he intoduce us to her, she smiled and then we went to watcha movie. Aidan and I were sitting next to each other, Kali and Ennis were holding hands and smilling at each other and Yuki was cuddled into Deucalions side both of them having a big smiles on their faces. With that I fell asleep, in the company of my family.


Hello readers,

please let me know if you like the story so far.

This is my first story, so hopefully it's good.

Have a good day,

The Author

Teen wolf |Deucalion ff|Where stories live. Discover now