tsukishimas option ( just showing off his princess)

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tsukishima reenacting to everyone at training camp what happened the other day

  princess :"I can't bake or cook"

me: I'm hungry [eyeing gorgouse picnic basket]

kags: [taking out his phone showing the teams what kags made him yesterday as "light snacks"] what was inside ALL HOMEMADE

Everyone is eyeing the yummy food speechless [as KEI smiled proudly at his wonderful partner]of this new information as an oikawa wined  breaking the silence   

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Everyone is eyeing the yummy food speechless [as KEI smiled proudly at his wonderful partner]of this new information as an oikawa wined  breaking the silence   

oikawa: tobio-kun how come glasses-kun gets special treatment?!

kags: [pure sarcasm while rolling his eyes] wow giving my BoYfRiEnD my affection and care ...~Im So EvIl~

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