Night patrol...

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Kusuno walked through the cold halls of the kingdom where there used to be laughter and smiles, now only cold floors and people remain. Then the ever so quiet sounds of leather boots hitting concrete could be heard in the dark hallway at night. There was always the occasional sound of whispering knights staying up too late, and the rumbling of thunder and the strike of lightning. She had never liked the night although she had lived in it for most of her youth. Better yet she never liked the dark.

She had always thought something bad could happen, easier than it happening in the day. The light sound of rain did help relax her though. She had always enjoyed the rain, she didn't have any particular reason, she just liked it.

Night patrol would usually consist of Kusuno walking around the kingdom halls and the garden multiple times till sunrise. Then at sunrise day patrol would take over.Even though she didn't like the dark, it felt at night that everything stopped and there was finally peace in their kingdom, better yet her world. There wasn't any fighting or death at night. Well, at least at times like this.

"The sun should be rising in about an hour..." Kusuno had said it sadly, for she didn't want the night to end just yet. It was easier to day dream and think at night. That being one of a few reasons she liked nighttime.

It would usually be boring other than her daydreams or ideas for gizmos and gadgets for Mr.Green and sometimes new training ideas so she could tell General Ginko to improve everyone's training.

Kusuno was out in the garden walking past the white roses, which were always her favorite. But there was something wrong about the garden that night, the lilys had been walked on, and there was black fabric stuck on a thorn. "What the...? There shouldn't be anyone walking around especially the garden with it being past curfew..." Kusuno was very confused and a little scared since there was a chance that an enemy could have gotten in. She unsheathed her sword and started walking again. Then she saw something better yet someone.

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