Wanting to Confess

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Charli PoV

I had a wide smile on my face while getting ready for school. I was really excited, for as I decided to confess my feelings to Light. I liked him for quite some time, even to the point where alex noticed and started teasing me about it. She was Lights sister and was cheering me on. But she told me I was obvious. Though in my opinion I'm not that obvious, atleast I don't think so, because Light has never noticed my feeling. The excitement of confessing to light was rising inside me. I just hope Light would say yes to going out with me! But for now I should stop thinking about that, or I will get late to school.

I put on my school uniform, though I made some adjustments. For example instead of a green bow, I had a yellow one. Our school uniforms were in Green, black and white. The skirt was green, while my blouse was white with an black jacket. The shoes were also black and so were the tights originally. But I also changed the tights to white ones with one Orange stripe across them. Ornage was my colour after all.
I then put a orange hairclip on my hair. This was perfect, I loved to have my hair open after all. I took my schoolbag and then made my way out of the house towards the school.

On the way to school I saw Luca, I smiled brightly as I rushed towards him "Luka!" I greeted him loudly, before slipping my hand around his arm to cling onto him. He turned his head to me and welcomed me with a smile "Charli! How are ya?" he asked me sweetly. I hummed happily "I'm great! You know, I decided today is the day!" I told him determined. Though he looked confused as he tilted his head "what day?" he asked me. I smile "that I confess my feelings to Light, duh!" I explained and giggled. His expression when hearing my exclamation was pretty funny. "Really? I thought you didn't wanna tell him..." he said unsure, before he gasped and looked at me with big eyes "Wait, how come I only get to know about this now?!?!" he asked with a pout. He seems to be offended. I quickly explain to not make him upset "you're the first one I told! I decided this morning while getting ready!", he looked at me suspiciously "really?..." he asked as he squinted his eyes ever so slighty. I knew that look, it was the one he used when trying to figure out if the person is lying. I rolled my eyes and shoved his arm slighty, no longer clinging onto him. "Yes really!" I exclaimed, I then sighed and pouted "I wouldn't lie to you, you know...". He immediatly gave me a hug "yeah you're right, sorry." I returned the hug and answered "it's alright. It was kinda sudden" I said with a shrug of my shoulders. I really didn't mind that he was suspicious of me if I'm honest, I don't tell him everything all the time even if we're best friends. So I can't really blame him.

We then continued to walk to school "heii I could help you" Luca suddenly said. I raised one of my eyebrows, amused but interested "how exactly? You can't be the one confessing for me" I said with a giggle. He rolled his eyes as he smiled fondly "of course not. I was thinking you should write him a love letter! That will definitely get his attention. Also I think it would be better for you, since you always get nervous in crowds" he explained. I looked at him with shiny eyes "you're a genius!" I exclaimed happily and hugged him. He laughed "yeah, I know" and patted me on the head. Also if I'm alone with Light, then I don't need to be worried over being called a simp ,just because I'm in love with him. It was perfect.

After a while we arrived at the school. Sadly me and luca had to part ways, since we weren't in the same class. I sighed to myself, in my first lesson today I only have alex in my class. Of course I love her, but I can't really talk with her about my crush on light! That would be so weird and awkward! I hated the last time she teased me about it too. What's so wrong having for having feelings for another person? Exactly, nothing.

Still, it was nice to atleast be able to talk to a friend in class. I sat down next to her and greeted her quietly, not wanting to gain attention from our classmates around us. "Hey alex, how are you?" I asked her with a soft smile. She seems rather sleepy, she probably stayed up to late Recording for a youtube Video. She slowly lifted her head and shot me a wide smile "hey charli, how are you doing?" she asked me. I feel like I should be the one asking her that. But well, I could do that after answering her! "I'm fine, a little excited for today!" I answered honestly with a happy smile. I then looked at her "what about you? You seem pretty tired". She yawns as she rubs her eyes "it's nothing, just couldn't sleep all to well. You know, I have a dog right? I think a new dog moved in somewhere nearby or something, he just doesn't Stop barking and he never did this before" she explained. I noticed that her tone was a bit more aggresive, she was probably annoyed and upset to have lost sleep because of her dog. Poor alex.

"Well, you could have a look at your neighbour and figure it out maybe! I mean, I'm sure your dog would also calm down if meeting with the new animal or whatever it is next to your house" I tried to gives her ideas, she shouldn't be losing anymore sleep then she already is. She nods with a small smile "yeah you're right.. I will try that, thanks charli" she said before slowly closing her eyes and yawning again. The teacher wasn't here so I let her sleep.

Time skip brought to you by lazy me

After class was over I made my way out to break. I wanted to meet up with luca, so we could write the love letter together. I found him in the cafeteria, next to him was his brother ,Levi. I went up to both of them as I waved and then sat down across luca. I took out the paper and a few pencils. I looked at luca seriously "oki... So how do I invite him out to meet me without sounding creepy?" I asked. Luca snorted, but quickly escalated into coughing. I pouted, of course he found this funny. He wipped of a tear "man charli... You take this way to seriously" I tiled my head slighty when he said that "pardon? I mean... It's a confession of love, of course I would take this serious" I said very confused by his statement. I saw Levis eyes widen as I said that, I looked confused "why does everyone seem so surprised that I can be serious about something?" I asked with a scoff, annoyed that they thought so little of me. Luca slowly placed his hand onto my shoulder. I looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry, it wasn't because of that. I think you should just write down your true feelings and to ask him to meet you. That's all you really need to write to reach him. You don't have to be so stiff and try to make the confession perfect, your feelings will speak for you" he then told me, I began smiling softly. Luca was really the best. I stared down at the paper as I slowly nodded "yeah... My feelings should be enough... I don't think it could ever be perfect anyways if we made it the way I wanted to before..." I confessed as I looked amusingly at the paper. But it was hard ,how exactly should I explain my feelings on paper? That seemed impossible. I was brought out of my thoughts when levi cleared his throat with a slightly loud cough. I seemed to have drifted off, as he was trying to get my attention.

"So... Who are you confessing to? You never told me about it" he asked interested. I looked over to luca "I thought you already told him" but luca only shrugged with his shoulders. "I wasn't sure I was allowed to" he explained. I nodded and gave him a smile of appreciation, then I looked back to Levi "you know about Light right? Alex's brother? Well I'm gonna confess to him..." I explained and got a little shy. Speaking about my feelings for light was still embarrasing infront of my friends. He looked genuinly surprised "man, alex really made me think everyone knew about my crush on him..." I said. I was actually a little surprised Levi didn't notice, I mean we do hang out quite often since I'm best friends with a brother. We have a sort of siblings relationship, so I thought he would notice these things the most. "Well, I did know you liked him, but I didn't think you liked him enough to actually... Confess" he confessed to me. I smile shyly "welp... My feelings just got stronger over time..." then I looked up with hope to levi "will you also help me? Luca is helping me set up the meet up!" I told him excited. He was quiet for a bit before shaking his head "sorry I have my club activites today after school". Ah yes, I forgot that he joined a club this year. He normally doesn't like that stuff. Which club was it again? Football, basketball or roller skating? Hmm, I think it was football, he got interested after playing for fun in one of alexs videos.

"Oh man, welp nothing I can do about that" I exclaimed before looking back to luca again "so... Where do think I should call him to? I wanna meet in a romantic place" I said dreamily. He chuckled and thought for a bit, before then saying "I think behind the school would be good. You know, near the fountain and the small garden the garden clubs takes care of tuesdays and thursdays. You would be alone, the scenery is nice but also not to quiet. Cause there is a field for sports somewhere in that area too. What do you think?" I nodded immediatly "that's perfect! Just in case I mess up and make a fool of myself, I can just make the excuse of wanting to ask him to join my club!" I answered happily.
I was already excited to ask him to meet me there, it would be perfect and he would totally say yes!


Will charlis confession go just as she imagines and wishes too? The answer is probably obvious, but come read the next chapter when updated to see what's going to happen after school between her and Light in detail!

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