Chp 9

338 5 1

"What the hell." I thought


His face backs away and slowly, but surely, his hands from my dress do too

"Whoa." I say, still looking at him in the eye, Peter smirks and hides his face
"Whoa indeed." He repeats, "Whoa." He adds, I could tell he was lost for words, honestly so was I, but that's mostly because I was replaying the moment in my head, over and over again since it was MAGICAL and CRAZY romantic

He moves closer, "Did you." He pauses
The suspence is killing me
"Did you like it?" He asks charmingly. I nodded since I didn't wanna speak because of how much none sense I knew I was gonna say. He puts his hand on my cheek, moving my hair out the way for me "Such a gentleman." I thought to myself, looking at his hand from the corner of my eye, then looked at him, HIM, he was HIM, the guy, the man, the once in a blue moon miracle

"Are you okay?" He asked, I was lost in his eyes but managed to say "Yes" without starting to ramble about the kiss. He puts his hands on my waist again, "Well maybe you're gonna like this too." He says, "Hold on tight and don't let go."

"What does that mean?" I thought to myself, but did it anyways. He put up his right arm and shot something out of it... almost like a spiderweb of some sort. We where swinging through the air, I kinda screamed and hid my face as I was kinda scared

I started to think about the on going news about this 'spider-man' type of guy that would swing around New York, saving people and putting down crime rates, the spiderweb thing he shot out looked similar to the one Peter shot out. I connected the dots together, as they where around the same height, "He's Spider-Man." I realised, this made this moment so cool, Peter Parker, Spider-Man, I couldn't believe it myself, maybe he wants me to keep it a secret, he most likely would, he's some kind of superhero or something, I don't know

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