The regret

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It was the last period.I was not ready for this..I went out the school and there she was waiting for me. We hugged and i did the thing I to this day still regret i met her with my friends.
Every was going great till we met the boys... All of my friends were in relationships so was I but the only person who wasn't was Laura and she became jealous of everyone and me and she did ANYTHING to break everyone apart and she did she broke everyone apart . After all of those brake ups i got into a new relationship with this one boy with who I am still today.Let me tell you Laura was NOT happy.
She did everything to make me feel bad about myself every day she told me how fat I am,that im ugly,that im a sl*t and alot more she was calling me like that because i got in a relationship with her "cRuSh" you might say im now the bad guy but im not trust me. This all went down when it was 17.9.2021, when i told my friend I like Andrew (my bf) but at that moment Laura had a crush on him but didn't tell anyone, when i told her i had a crush on him she was very happy to hear the news that is she was faking it...Later when i got home me and Andrew got in a relationship and i was happy and my friends and Laura also said she was happy for our relationship.
Few days went by and one of my girl best friend Maria started to act weird i asked her what was wrong she told me:

M: I just can't believe you did that to Laura!!

Y/n:What did i do ?

M:You know what you did.

Great another fight between me and Laura it's getting on my nerves.
I went and Asked one of my best friends Ivy she told me how Laura spred a lie about me how i ruind her life and how I stoled her let's call it  a crush.I was at the moment furious i did not know what to say.
I send her a message telling her how it was not ok and how I did not know that Andrew was her crush she said sorry and we were again friends.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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