Chapter 12

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After hanging out with Jungkook I returned home and waiting for my mom.

TZ: I wonder how old the son..?

TZ: Why does she want me to meet him? Is it important? Arranged marriage? At this age? Nah.

After hearing the front door getting unlocked I rushed down the stairs.

TZ: MOOOOOOM! I missed you!
I ran into her arms the moment I saw her.

Mom: Awww, my little kitten, I missed you too.

Mom: I came back 20 minutes early! Are you hungry?

TZ: Hmm, yeah. I haven't eaten anything serious yet.

Mom: Alright, I'll go cook something. What do you want?

TZ: Hm.. how about... seaweed soup?

TZ: Mom. I'm sorry... I skipped school today.

Mom: Don't ever skip school again. What did you do while I was away?

TZ: Nothing much, Just the usual.

Mom: Today you have to look elegant. So I bought you a really nice white dress and some heels.

Mom: It's going to be like a high class party.

TZ: I hate the word "party".

Mom: How else should I call it? Meeting...?

TZ: That sounds way better.

Mom: Here, eat up.

TZ: Thanks for the meal!

Mom: You eat so well, it makes me really happy.

After eating I went to my room to get ready.

I put my hair up In a bun and put on some light makeup.

TZ: Mom, I'm ready!

Mom: There's still 10 minutes 'til 7 PM and we have to be there by 7:30..

Mom: And you look really good!

TZ: Thanks you! Now you go change and let's go.

Mom: You're right, it's better to be there early than late.

We got there around 7:25 PM

Hey, Amanda! is Ms. Jeon in her office?

Amanda: Yes, she's in her office. And this must be your daughter!

TZ: Hello.
-I bowed.

Amanda: Sucha beauty! Oh. forgot to mention.... Ms. Kim came back to korea just for this event.

Mom: I guess you will meeting two boys, sweetie.

TZ: Ms. Kim...? Ms. Jeon...? Where have I heard these last names before?

Mom: Tzuyu? Let's go, we'll be late.

TZ: Oh, yes, sorry. My mind wandered off.

As soon as I stepped into the room I was a beautiful woman and a boy sitting down. My first instinct was to bow. so I did.

TZ Hello.

I looked better into the boy face and realized that it was jungkook. My face lit up.

JK: Tzuyu?

TZ: Jungkook?

Jungkook's mom: you know eachother?

JK: Yes. She's my classmate.

Mom: That's great!

I felt the doors behind me open up, I turned around. My smile disappeared instantly.

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