1 transported

149 12 2

_her and cale
Her enchant
Some importal matter


A women sitting on a rocking chair with her favorite blueberry tea, relaxing and even smiling widely because of a certein events

Her smile quickly disappear when she feel something familiar presence coming from the big and wide gate

The gate were build a hundred years ago by the gods to separate it to the other world, she stand on her sits a quikly fly towards the gate

"Damn! Theres so many of them-wait some of the gates been open!?. What the hell!"

'Some halfling open it tch'

As an gate keeper she most decide either open it or close it, if she choose to close the people on the other side will die and if it open she will suffer.

-Ascel, well you open the gate

When she hear her father order,yes. Order not an question, she frown  she felt pang in her body

"old man im planning it from the very start, you dont have to order me around. You fucking father"

As she rise her hand both light and dark been summon, the gate slowly open the sound of metal banging and a cracking been heard

"Fuck..they disobey the rule, damn halfling"


The gate wide open sending numerous light in every location, each are flying from different locations

'i need to close it soon. Two gates been open, and now that damn father of mine keep distracting me! I know what to do, tch half of my powers are taken by them. Ahh i need to rest, this is tiring'

'why people like me suffer'

-Hon i know your curious, i will explain it to-

"Nah no need, i already knew, what do you think am i?"

'Gods are involve...again'

"i know very well Grandmother"

As soon as the small light disappeared she shut the gate close, her eyes close and mumble a word and open her eyes.

All the gates are now thightly close.


"Young master Cale, drink another shot" a blue hair said


Relief and happiness are visible in each everyone facess. They win the war with White star without losing one of there family.

Light reflect there joy the children average of ten years old are now sleeping soundly in Cale side, Cale look around his surrounding

The sword master Choi Han and The futere king Alberu are talking about staft. Bud the mercenary king,Cage the excummunicated God of death pristess and Marquis Tylor are having there drinking duel,

Many others too are having an conversation with each other with there happy faces.

The night are already late some of them are fast asleep while the trio whom got duel are now down, Cale glance at the golden dragon that didnt sleep yet

"Eruhaben-nim your not sleeping?" Cale ask

"Im about too, hah sleep already you unlucky bastard, remember the celebration of peace are tommorow " as Cale signed

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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