A Science Experiment Gone Wrong

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"I beg your pardon?" Loki immediately responds looking startled and slightly offended, I held back a chuckle at his reaction which would have been super inappropriate in the current situation. Loki spared a glare at me before turning back to the newcomer. Hela conjures a sword in a threatening way before repeating herself.

"Kneel... Before your Queen." She finishes with a smirk tugging the corner of her lips. Of course Thor being the brute he is responds with,

"I don't think so," As he began to advance on her, I couldn't help stepping back watching the scene play out in front of me thinking it would make an amazing villain introduction in a movie. Pietro immediately looks back worriedly to me. I pull him back with me and explain my thoughts, I can see Loki listening to us as well as he watches the scene in front of him. We both chuckle quietly, until Hela turns to us.

"And who might you be? More abandoned children of my father?" She asks curtly holding a finger up to signal Thor to wait a moment with his attack. I was about to respond, but Pietro beat me to it.

"Oh no, Gosh no. We just happen to be in a very wrong place at the worst time-" He decides to speak first I decide to cut him off.

"I'm a science experiment gone wrong! You'll wanna watch out you little piece of s-" Pietro grabbed me around the waist, and covered my mouth before I could say anything else stupid and turned us around his hands on my shoulders in a calming gesture, very aware of the 3 sets of eyes on us. 

(A/N: That comment was referring to how she got her powers, if you need a refresher she got them the same way Bruce did, from Gamma radiation exposure during an experiment that went horribly wrong and killed her brother)

"(Y/N), Love, please you've been in enough of their mess already, don't make it worse." 

"Okay I'm calm," We turn back to face everyone, I quickly stepped forward and spoke again "I can break every one of your 206 bones while making you love every second of it, just to drag out the pain for so much longer! Trust me today of all days you do not want to test me!" Pietro had given up at that point, and opted to try dragging me back once I'd finished. To my surprise Hela just laughed. 

"I like her!" I kept my glare but took a moment to peek at the Brother's reactions, Thor was shocked, and Loki looked proud. "She's great, remind me to come back and find you after I claim my throne in Asgard. Anyways where were we? Ah that's right this brute was about to attack me, well carry on" Thor grunted and threw his hammer, surprising all of us Hela caught it,

"That's not possible..." Thor trailed off in shock.

"Darling you have no idea what's possible." (May I just say that line was soo hot!) Hela broke the hammer like a fragile egg in her hand, sending sparks flying everywhere. As we each recovered from the blinding light she morphed her hair into a crown/helmet of sorts and sauntered forward, conjuring swords in her advance. Loki acted in panic, seeing how easily she shattered the strongest weapon he knew, he called for Heimdal to take them back to Asgard. The Bifrost opened pulling the brothers away, Hela following. I ran to jump after them, Pietro easily held my arm back,

"(Y/N), please I just got you back. This isn't our fight." 

"Yes it is, I dragged myself into this a long time ago by joining the Avengers. Thor and Loki need our help, and I still haven't found Bruce. I need their help to find him, who knows when they'll be back if they get back." 

"You're not going alone." We both run towards the Bifrost as it closes barely making it in, though headed to unknown territory I felt calm with Pietro by my side.


A/N: GAHHHH! Sorry the ending was cheesy it's really late but I wanted to post a new chapter for you guys. Hope you are having a fantastic week, I love you all 3000 :)  

Also what is your opinion on Encanto???

I personally LOVED it!!!!! It is my comfort movie, I love all of them so much and I cry every time I hear Luisa's song about her strength and not being good enough because I understand that and feel it every day, I'm on my way to improving though :) I also am more obsessed with Camilo than I should be, he deserved more screen time and more part in the songs. Antonio is soooo adorable! Anyways I could rant about that movie forever!

I'll try to update again soon, Bye!!!!!

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