-May the stars protect us- P R O L O G U E

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Dainsleif walked past the many people in Mond, his eyes lingering on the street before him. He looked for any signs of the blonde hair he searched for. He was tired, muscles aching and a heavy heart. He was searching for so long, he had looked and asked so many people that he lost count, and yet no sign of the traveler.

"Excuse me sir."

A voice startled him as he looked to the side, it was a little girl, not older than 7. He crouched down and smiled at the girl, and yet he kept his mouth shut, not saying a word, he was too tired of speaking and not getting any results.

"My mom said you look like a prince, is that true? Are you a prince?"

Dainsleif's eyes widened and he looked behind the little girl, a woman in her thirties talking to a shopkeeper. His heart warmed a little and he brushed some hair out of the girl's hair.

"I am no prince dear, but you can be a princess. Look at those people around you, they are all royals if they try hard enough. But you can be a princess, the one above them all."

The girl smiled and nodded, her eyes lighting up when suddenly she was yanked back. Dainsleif looked at the woman he saw at the shop, her eyes showed clear fear of Dainsleif, and so he slowly stood up.

"Don't talk to my daughter."

With those words she turned heel and dragged her child with her, scolding her for talking to a stranger. Sighing, Dainsleif walked forward again, his eyes still fixated on the stone ground before him. He will never understand some people, or humanity as they call it, he was just not made to be a social butterfly.

He will never be human again anyways, so why try behaving like one? He will never feel the warmth of sitting with his family again, nor will he smile the way he did back then.

Dainsleif stopped walking and hesitated walking forward, looking up into the blue sky he whispered his apologies to the people of mond, summoning his polearm and entering the church, doing what he had planned to lure out the twins. 

̷D̷o̷i̷n̷g ̷w̷h̷a̷t ̷h̷i̷s ̷m̷i̷n̷d ̷t̷o̷l̷d ̷h̷i̷m ̷t̷o̷.

Doing what he deemed was right, right to himself and right to everyone else. Even though his heart screamed to not do it, his mind was stronger, and so he entered, slithering through the shadows, no one noticing him, and when he had the targeted person alone he lifted the polearm up and swung it down, staining the clean floor with fresh red droplets of blood.

"I'm sorry... I am so sorry.."

The person gasped and fell to their knees, and just as swift as he entered, he left. Making sure to be unseen.

Moments later a voice was heard.

"Get barbara! We need immediate help!"

Dainsleif was unaware that this decision was not his, he did not make it willingly. He was unaware of the monster within.

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