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He's sluggish. He could barely even keep up with himself, and his face is hollow. He could no longer see as his glasses were full of dirt and water stains.
He wanted to cry; he wanted to cry so hard that it hurt his throat. He lay his head down, hoping to fall asleep.

He slapped his own face over and over until all that he could see was red.
His boyfriend thought he was cheating.
His mother saw that he was failing.
His friends know that he isn't okay.
His body is full of marks.
Self inflicted.
He doesn't understand what he should do. He's in pain.
He wants to go home but he decides to go on a walk instead; his feet burn from the pebbles getting stuck and the pointy rocked stabbing his feet, he decided not to wear shoes as he didnt need them going forward today, they'll only just get in the way.

As he walks along the path, he decides to drop to his knees as it's isolated here, no one would hear.

Cries of pain leave his mouth, peircing his lungs and throat with an ungodly amount of pain as he unleashes all he has tucked inside of his mind, crying as loud as he can. He would never be able to at home, never with his boyfriend, not with his friends, not even with himself. So he pretends. He pretends he's this pretty girl who is oh so popular in school and has amazing, loving, and caring people around her. She is able to cry to them, and she's able to hug her boyfriend and hang out with her friends whenever she has perfect grades, and her mother is proud; proud of her daughter.

He quiets down, sobbing but not as violent as he was not too many moments ago. He can't hold on anymore. He hears some rocks crumble down. Whipping his head around. Sharing line of sight with the boy from the bridge.

Why's he here..? No. No one was supposed to hear. No one was supposed to be here..-

He grasped his chest, gripping the floor, looking for another feeling. He fell to his back, needing something to lean on.

As the kid ran to him, pulling off his coat, he wrapped it around his new friend, picking him up and leaning his body into himself. He tried to help Foxy with his breathing, telling him to breathe in and out to focus on his breath, to count the stars or feel the grain in the sand, trying to get him to calm down
He held his friends' hands and hugged them to his body as it's the only thing he could think of to help calm Foxy down further.

When walking, he heard anguished screams. He ran, wanting to help whoever was in pain,  slowing once he realized he was closer. Once realizing no one was hurt, he still wanted to repay and comfort him, so he walked forward and
Well, we already know.

As he tried his best to comfort his friend he saw no change, turning the boy around facing each other holding his hands to the boys cheeks, wanting for him to focus on the feeling of warmth instead of the harmful thoughts still swirling in the boys mind. Hands being warm to the touch. After a while, Foxy began to calm down, and his breathing became normal as they began to hug. they stayed like like that for minutes, maybe hours, foxy inevitably falling asleep so he stood up and carried Foxy towards his car and laying him in the backseat and driveing him to his own home since he hadn't know where Foxy lived.

He woke him up once they arrived, telling Foxy what had happened, so Foxy agreed and came inside. They lay in his bed for ours in peace as they had no reason to say anything to each other. All that needed to be said has already been done. They stayed like that, falling asleep cuddling into each other for warmth.

They were both finally happy for once.

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