56| Siblings and News.

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I wasn't prepared.

I wasn't prepared for this. As we entered the ICU, my grip on Jake tightened. The air conditioner's cool air hit my face, making me feel colder. We were both dressed in scrubs. There were so many patients, some awoke while others slept.

Beep, beep, beep

The ICU became chaotic as nurses yelled,

"Bed 203 isn't responding," one of them exclaimed loudly.

The doctors dashed over to that bed. My hands began to shake as I prayed earnestly to God with each step I took—that may that bed never ever be my father's. It sounded selfish, but that's how it is right now.

"It's not his," Jake explained.

I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

"You are not allowed to cry in front of him."

I nodded, but my eyes were watering.

As we approached a specific bed, my heart thudded against my chest.

My mouth let out a soft cry, which I covered with my hands as tears streamed down my cheeks.

He had a plethora of Ivs, tubes, and machines attached to him. His eyes were closed, and I couldn't take in what he was going through.

A sob escaped my throat as I felt Jake squeeze my hands.

Dad opened his eyes; his gaze met mine, but he didn't greet me as he usually did. He didn't smile; instead, a single tear fell from his left eye as he stared at me.

He didn't move or do anything as another tear fell.

"You'll be fine," I whispered as I approached him and kissed his brow. I wiped his tears away and kissed his brow once more.

"Please, Miss, do not touch the patient."

"Her hands are sanitized, fuck off," Jake growled at the nurse.

Dad didn't nod, but instead murmured something through his oxygen mask.

"Yes?" I move closer to him,

"D-don't cry" He managed to say,

I couldn't take it any longer, and tears streamed down my cheeks as I stepped away from him.

"I'm not crying," I explained.

I wiped my eyes furiously, but my heart broke into a million pieces. Even in this state, what mattered to him was that I not cry.

As Jake approached dad, I stood there silently crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but I don't have the guts of meeting your eyes" Jake whispered, and I could see tears welling up in his eyes as he walked away.

I stood there stunned and filled with a range of feelings.

"They are preparing your operation table, you'll be fine," I murmured as I caressed his hair and kissed his brow.

"Miss, we need to run some pre-operative tests on the patient, so his surgery has been rescheduled for the morning."

I gave the nurse a nod.

"You'll be fine," I kissed his forehead again, "promise me, you'll be fine," I said quietly.


I left the ICU with a sad smile and tears in my eyes.

When I entered the hall, Jake was not there; mum sat beside Theo, and Sebastian stood in the corner. As questions swirled in my mind, I scanned the room for Jake.

Wasn't looking for love till I found you.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora