The scrap yard

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After putting the handel on Chillie, Ted looks into his dearest appliances eyes giving him a sweet and tender kiss. Chille rubs his hands along teds body slowly caressing him. Ted says "should we be doing this is this wrong". Chille covers his mount with one hand and with the other slips his hand under his pants and into his waist band of his boxers, and starts to rub his ass. "What in the actual fuck is wrong with you and that fucking appliance" its T.J the scrap dealer. Chille pulls his hand out of teds pants. Ted and chille look at each other intensely, they nood in agreement. Chille runs towards T.J opening his lower door as he is nearest to him. Ted runs over and slams chilles door. Ted picks up a pice of extra sharp scrap. Chille opens his door and Ted quickly slams the sharp end of the scrap into the head of T.J. He's dead. Ted looks around and sees a shovel under a pice of metal. He runs over and grabs it. Together they dig a grave for T.J's body. After a while the whole is deep enough to hide the body. The sun is quickly fading. They walk towards the body. Ted grabs the arms and Chillie grabs the legs the toss the body into the grave. Ted bends over to grab the shovel. Chiles grabs his waist and pulls Ted towards his door. He starts to rub teds dick he feels Ted growing with every rub, he spins Ted around and drops to his knee, Chille pulls down teds pants along with his boxers. Ted is already hard. Chile wraps his lips around Teds cock. "Y your l lips feel so soft for being made of metal. Chiles move his hand onto teds cock caressing it as he continues to suck off Ted. Ted grabs. He pulls his cock out of chilles face and starts to jerk off onto chille face. Ted cums onto Chillies face loading moaning. Chille says " lick it" Ted gets close to chilles face and lucks his cum off of Chilles face. Are doesn't swallow but instead he keeps it in his mouth, moving to chilles lips he kisses him pouring cum into chilles mouth. " shit we should burry that body" says ted. They burey the body and walk home. They get home chille plugs himself into his outlet and Ted goes to sleep in his room.

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