Chapter 1

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"What the fuck were you thinking?" Xander yelled as he was pacing around his study while Lexington was sitting down in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Xander you need to clam down man. We found her before anything could happen." Xavier said before his older twin could do anything he would regret later.

As Xander was yelling Lexington was thinking back to how she ended up in this situation that changed her life forever.

It all started two years ago when she turned eighteen. Her father decided to share some big news with her that would change her life forever.

Lexington was the daughter of Lorenzo Russo, the head of one of the five biggest crime families in the world. The news: to marry her off against her will.

She was forced to marry Xander Knight the elder of the Knight twins to save her father and the "family business" she had no say in. She had, had two weeks to mentally prepare. She had also tried to escape , but never got very far as the guards would always catch her. Her big brother was no help to her at all either.

Which leads back to why her husband was yelling at her for going out clubbing without two very important things: her guards and her wedding bands.

This had been the most she had seen of him in a week. The most time they ever really spent together was a few hours a week. Both tried to avoid the other.

"Shut up Xavier! She deliberately disobeyed me. After I clearly told her no and she did it anyways without guards and her wedding bands."

Xander was pissed and she knew she was not getting out of this without some sort of "punishment". When Xanders men had located her she had been drunk off her ass and talking with some random guy. Xander hated it when she talked to other guys because he said that she was his property. Another reason why the rings were an important part of why he was pissed. She was always supposed to be wearing them. Without them something could have happened had another family wanted to hurt her all because of the rings she found humiliating.

Xander brought her out of her thoughts when he grabbed her two wrists.

"Are you even listening to me, Lexington!" he yelled at her.

She was trying to listen to him but she was still out of it being drunk and all.

"You're my fucking wife!"

"Yes I am. But you're also my husband yet it's ok for you to go around screwing every damn girl you lay eyes on." Lexington yelled in Xander's face.

"Act like my wife and I wouldn't have to go elsewhere!" he yelled back.

"Act like my,,"

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence. You have no idea what I have done for you. Put your wedding bands back on and don't you dare think about taking them off again."

What he had done for her? He must be joking right?

Lexington quickly made her way out of the study and down the long hallway to the kitchen to grab some water and her wedding bands.

As she was grabbing her rings of the counter she heard a loud crash and a FUCK from the other room. She clenched her hands together tightly to the point you could see the indentions left from the huge diamond.

Xander walked into the kitchen and just stared at her for a few minutes. After a little while he came over and took the rings from her hand and slipped them of her finger like he had done two years ago. Without saying a word he left the room.

Xavier was walking through the hallway when Xander stopped him.

"Who was on Lexington's detail tonight?" Xander questioned his younger twin.

"Who do you think?"

"Well I don't know Xavier that's why I'm asking." Him clearly not having the patience.

"Xaden. Well he was the one assigning men at the least."

"Go get him and take him to the basement and take care of it."

"Really Xander. He's our little brother. Mom would have your head on a pike if you hurt her little boy."

"Well he is a little shit. Why is he even in charge of security again?"

"Yeah nice try I'm not walking into that one."

"Whatever. He fucks up again like that there's going to be a problem."

"I'll handle him." With that Xavier walked away.

*A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! Next chapter will be longer! Thank you so much for reading! I hopped you liked it and will continue to read! :)*

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