// kitchens //

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|| troian ||

Halfway through the movie I climbed off Gilinsky's lap to get food from the kitchen. I went to the kitchen and searched for food in the fridge. Just then, I felt two hands grab my waist.

"I swear to god, Gilinsky-"

"Are you sure?" I was shocked to hear a different voice.

I stood up and saw the face of Sam Wilkinson.

"I'm surprised that you thought I was Gilinsky." He smirks.

"Get.your.hands.off.me." I clenched my teeth.

"Why, aren't you enjoying this?" He trailed off, his lips connecting with my neck. "Because I am." He whispers in my ear. .

I reached out to the counter and accidentally knocked out a glass. The shards shattered on the flooe sending Sam to a shock.

"Is everything okay, in there?!" Cameron yells.

"Yeah, just glass shattered everywhere!" Sam yelled back.

"Troian! Are you okay?" Gilinsky came rushing in.

"Yeah. Just knocked out a glass. Clumsy me." I laughed out nervously.

"You guys head back, I'll clean this up." I said.

"I'm helping." Sam says.

"I think you've done enough." I snapped.

Gilinsky shot Sam a death glare; before Sam headed out.

I grabbed a dustpan and a broom from the nearby corner and swept all the shattered glass.

"What happened, Troian?" Gilinsky asks.

"I knocked out a glass." I responded.

"No, seriously WHAT did happen?" Gilinsky asks, his voice more demanding.

"I knocked out a glass, Gilinsky. Nothing else happened." I snapped.

"Then what do you mean, "I think you've done enough' to Sam?" I remained silent.

"Did he touch you?" Gilinsky asks. "Does it matter?" I retorted.

"What did he do?" He asks, again.

"Just a few spontaneous kisses-" I trailed off, "On my neck." I mumble lowly.

"Do you like him?" He asks.

"God, no!" I rolled my eyes and threw the shattered glass into a near trashbin.


"I would take you home but Johnson's wasted and he's gonna need help going up and getting sober." Gilinsky says.

"I'll just walk, then." I gave him a scarcastic smile before grabbing my bag.

"I'll drive her." Sam comes up behind us.

"No. Definitely no." I denied.

"Babe, Sam can drive you. There are many conclusions that could happen whilst you're alone." Gilinsky insisted.

"Fine." I walked past them and headed outside.

I waited for Sam outside, a few minutes he was outside. "Hey, you ready to leave?" He asks.

"Yeah." I smiled at him.

I went inside the car, and Sam too. The whole car ride was so quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat beating.

"You're really not going to talk to me, aren't you?" Sam spoke.

"What was that stunt you pulled there?" I asked.

"I-I thought your relationship with Gilinsky wasn't that serious. I thought that - I thought that maybe when I made a move you would feel something." Sam admitted.

I froze. My words came undone. No one can know. I stayed silent. Sam maybe thinking, 'She's disgusted by me.' But what I'm actually thinking a good reason and defense against this. We pulled up by my house. When I was about to get out, Sam grabbed my hand.

"Please, please, please just say something." He says, his eyes filled with sadness.

I pursed my lips, "What else do you want me to say, Sam?"

His hand dropped mine. I looked at my hand for a few moments and finally got out of the car. Sam drove away as I entered the house.

Sigh. This was an eventful night.


The next day; Danielle wasn't at school. I stopped by at her house, but no one answered. This is weird. Very. I was walking home when I saw a figure on my porch.

"Gilinsky? What're you doing here?"I asked.

"Well, no one was home, so I stayed on your porch, waiting for you to come back."

"Come in." I mumble as I turned on the lights.

"Where is your family? Anyways?" Gilinsky sat on one of the couches.

"My dad and mom are at work, won't be home by six or even later. My sister is at Arizona, she studies college there."I said.

"In University of Arizona?" Gilinsky asks.

"Yeah. Why? Do you know someone there?"

"No. I was supposed to study there this year, but ya know; I got a career-"

"Career, what career?" I asked.

"I sing. And make vines." He responded.

"Does Johnson sing too?" I asked, sitting beside him.

"Nah, he raps. We're Jack and Jack."

"Well, do you want to watch a movie or do something else? My parents don't come around in a few hours." I suggested.

"I have something in mind." Gilinsky winks.

Within a blink of an eye, his lips connected to mine, his hands roaming around my body. He flipped us over, him on top and me under him. His lips left sloppy kisses on neck.

"I kinda like this position." I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Really?" I moaned. Causing him to bite the exposed skin on my neck.

"But, I have another idea." He said. "Wrap your legs around me, baby girl."

He grabbed me by the waist and took me to the kitchen counter. He grinded his crotch to mine, as I felt his hard member twitching.

"See what you do to me, baby girl." He purred in my ear..

He took of my shirt and unclipped my bra. His lips sucking on my left breast whilst massaging the other one. I throw my head back in pleasure. He stopped to kiss me again.

I pulled away; "I think you're wearing too much clothes." I pant.

He took off his shirt and looked at me, "Better?"

"Much." I pulled him again and kissed him.
This time, the kiss was rough. He pushed aside the basket of fruits, causing fruits to scatter everywhere.

"Bend over, baby girl." He says.


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