New friends for lunch

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Luke got to the cafeteria he was alone until he got visited by 2 people Niall and Harry
Harry-hey Luke
Niall-can we sit
Luke-are you sure
They sit and they see Luke talk a little bit
Voice-maybe this year will b different
They look up seeing the boyfriends and the others they walk to the table Ashton wraps his eyes around Luke
Ashton-guess who
Luke-well you spoke so Ashton
Ashton-yea hey
They slide by Luke while Zayn Liam and Louis slide by their boyfriends Luke opens up more and they realize cal and the guys were right he is fun o be around
Voice-I sense trouble
Luke-what brad
Brad-just a feeling
They look at the scared look on Luke's face
Harry-who's brad
Luke-my friend
Michael-what did brad say
Luke he senses trouble
They look around the cafeteria and don't see anything they are confused big time but don't question it Michael raps an arm around Luke
Michael-we will protect you
Luke-please I can't lose brad
They are confused on who brad is it's the voice but maybe their is a brad but who is he

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