Black Truth in Color Lies

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First thing first let's set the facts straight it's crazy how people hide behind the lies they tell in history

Color lies hide behind the facts and make it seem like it's a mystery

Can't take the stuff their ancestors threw cause now my people speak it vocally

My people speak our truth wide and openly cause black truth in color eyes hide in the ugliest and yet also the prettiest eyes

Now hold on hold on cause this finna offend some but didn't y'all ancestors chain mine up and then some?

Locked them up held the key and chain built the states on black backs and then take the claim

Not only take the claim but take the name hmm let's think what should y'all call the place y'all  stole to claim

Oh wait I know let's just call it America the Great

Funny right it's great alright only if you follow rules and regulations

Now wait if your black you betta watch your back or you'll be the next target you get that

All I gotta say is watch and stay woke for the Black Truth in Color Lies

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