My Reasons

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Atsumu POV

I sat down at my desk, I turned on the led light lamp that was the only thing that was illuminating my desk, I looked back at my asleep brother, I chuckled to myself quietly as I took out the long letter to finish up the last reason...I hope Samu won't kill  me...

~End of POV~

The Letter:

Dear Omi,

   My first reason why I love you is because of how perfect you are your black curls that make me go crazy, your sharp jawline is sharper than the blade inside a shaver, the moles on the top of your eyebrow is just like the cherry on top sometimes I see you in my dreams where you hug me and comfort me but after all, they are all just a dream, the cold stare you give yo everyone that is enough to get everyone shivering but me, as I see it really attractive, though I can see your stare when I talk to you, it's deadly, you stare down at me like I'm the fly that keeps flying around you but you just can't get it to die.

~June 5th

   My second reason why I love you is your cleaning habits, some find it annoying yet I find it attractive for some stupid reason haha...It's cute when you hold on to a bottle of hand sanitizer everywhere you go and spray everything in your way, other people would hate you for this but I love you for this as I actually don't even know what got me into you in the first place haha... though I do know why I love you.

~June 6th

   My third reason why I love you is your dark eyes that look like a void that I get lost in or a black hole that sucks me in, maybe you hate it but I love it, it reminds me that even if my light brown eyes get compliments for being so "Foreign" looking, darker eyes have far more meaning because even though my eyes have the same color as the branches on trees that can't seem to stop growing while your eyes have the same color as what is assumed to be "Death" there is far more meaning to your eyes than mine, your eyes have the meaning of the dark night sky that help the stars shine, your eyes might seem to be like the soil in the ground but if you dig deep into the ground are the diamonds and gold people are dying to find.

~June 7th

   My fourth reason is your caring personality, just the other day I saw you leave a can of cat food for the cats but then immediately cleanse your hand with that bottle of hand sanitizer you carry around 24/7, I never would have believed you had a caring personality if I didn't helplessly fall in love with you...I think Samu' is going to kill me for mentally hurting myself haha.

~June 8th

   My fifth reason is that the Gods just love seeing me suffer in one-sided hehe, I've always been the second whether it's to my parents or to anyone of my crushes, the Gods just love seeing me being helpless right? And you were no exception as when I first saw you walk through the hallway with your signature look my heart skipped a beat no wait it skipped more than one that's for sure...I'm sure you'll like me right? Ok maybe I'm lying to make myself ok but yay?

~June 9th

   My sixth reason is because you've been on my mind 24/7, everything I see just ends up reminding me of you, like when I go grocery shopping and see a jar of Umeboshi I end up with a picture of your stunning face in my mind, sometimes it's weird ya know? No matter how much I tell myself all I'm doing is hurting myself I still can't help but falling, and falling...I now know why they call it "Falling for someone" or "Falling In Love" because once you start liking someone you sometimes end up falling for them, when you do you fall in an unstoppable pace and it feels great like floating in heaven but then sometimes it feels like falling through the depts f the sea, you call for help but all you get is pain.

~June 10th

   My seventh reason is your introverted personality, I know I know I mentioned personality before but this is the one of my favourite part because I get to day dream about it, you're introverted while I'm a extroverted person, I always believe that opposites attract right? just imagine this: you, me on the couch, watching titanic. ahhh how romantic but its all fictional just like every love story :( unless...

~June 11th

   My eighth reason is because I just do? I guess yeah well the more clearer reason is because day dreaming about you is just A M A Z I N G  your perfect face just floating around my mind whilst listening to the boring lecture ahh the life.

~June 12th

   My ninth reason is that Im a simp,I have admitted it I'm a big simp and I'm lowkey kinda proud? yeah I'm proud because being a simp for you is probably well worth for my brain but maybe not for my heart.

~June 13th

   My tenth reason is, holy shit man I keep using "My XXX reason is", that's besides the point the reason is because I love you hehe very cliché but its true, though in your shoes you just hate me don't you?

~June 14th

   My Eleventh reason is that you're I'm not sure how I even started to like you but just when you walked by my sore eyes started to sparkle, I felt it and I'm legs felt weak ugh damn the gods for giving you such charming looks while I just look like..this ughh

~June 15th

   My twelve reason hmmm is you're a cat person and I personally love cats so in my dreams we adopt a cat together and you decide on the name ahh what a lovely paradise that I can reach up to yet can't grab onto.

~June 16th

   Last but not least this is the last reason omi can you believe it? well it's because you are fucking amazing, like from your physical aspect to your personality is *Chef kiss* and I'm serious of this Sakusa Kiyomi I love you but by the time you read this it'll be a bit hard to find me.

Yours truly,

Atsumu Miya

~June 17th

Atsumu's POV

Ahhh I'm finished finally now it's time to give it to him...I take a deep breath in and look at the clock *7:30am*...I took me 30 minutes to finish this ah this is going to be fine right, just then I heard Samu stirring awake I wrote a small note as I take my bag and leave for the park

"Ma I'm feeling a bit down can I skip school for this one day..please?" I said to my mom while my sore eyes blinked, my eyes were so sore my eyelids felt like 5 pounds

"Oh no tsumu your eyes look terrible ok let me contact your teachers ok? now sweetie are you going to the park to calm down a bit?" Ma asked ahh she knows me too well

"Yes Ma by the way please hand this note to Samu when he wakes up, thanks ma you're the best"I said but my voice trailing to silence at the end

"Ok hun now here's 10'000 yen I know it's a lot but just know it's an early allowance ;)" she winked while she turned back around to finish up the breakfast she was making for samu,normally its for three but today is for two since I'm leaving to the park... I don't think Ma or Samu would leak the park's location right?

~End of POV~

The note for Osamu:

Hey, Samu when you're awake I'm at somewhere relaxing (You know where) but the letter on the desk...please give it to Sakusa and tell him it's from me :) thanks Samu.

Your bEtTER tWiN tsumu <3

My 13 Reasons Why I Love You~ SakuastuWhere stories live. Discover now