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It was a normal day in Libertas. The family Burton were just doing their thing as the birds chirp loudly.
Mrs. Burton, who is a small, skinny woman with ash black hair and dark green eyes, was cooking breakfast. Mr. Burton, who is pretty tall compared to his wife and has brown, wavy hair with ocean blue eyes, was reading the news paper.
The Burtons also have a daughter called Lisa. She was still asleep as her parents were busy downstairs.
Lisa is pretty short, like her mom, she also has the same ash black hair as her, but the same ocean blue eyes as her dad.
The day looked like nothing could go wrong. The sun is shining, no clouds in the sky, everyone looks happy. Yes, this was a beautiful day. Or so they thought.
When Mrs. Burton finishes making breakfast, she goes upstairs to wake up Lisa. "Lisa, wake up sweetheart!" She says while gently shaking her awake. Lisa slowly wakes up, smiling softly while mumbling; "Good morning mom..."
"Good morning hun! Breakfast is ready,  are you gonna get ready for school?" Mrs. Burton says while smiling. Lisa nods a little and sits up while Mrs. Burton walks downstairs.
Lisa yawns, gets up and puts on her school uniform. She walks downstairs while stretching, smiling happily. Absolutely nothing can ruin her day, Lisa thinks. New school year, new class, sun is shining.
Nothing can go wrong today.
She walks into the kitchen, following the smell of bacon. "We've got bacon!?" Lisa looks surprised, but smiles brightly.
Mrs. Burton nods; "It's a special day today, so I thought I,d make a special breakfast for you." She puts the bacon and eggs on a plate and hands it to Lisa.
"Don't you have to eat? And what about dad?" Lisa asks.
"Dad already ate and I dont need anything." Her mom says while smiling softly.
"But I already ate yesterday! You should take this meal! I insist!" Lisa says, handing the plate back to her. The family Burton never really had a lot of food, the whole city actually. It was not like the city was poor money wise, but food wise? Lisa hated it, seeing people starve every single day. She wishes there was something she could do, something to help, a way to feed everyone.
Mrs. Burton smiles gently at Lisa; "We share." She says softly.
Lisa nods and smiles at her mom, breaking the piece of bacon into half and handing it to her together with one of her eggs.
"Thank you sweetheart." Mrs. Burton tells Lisa as she pets her head gently.
"Now eat up quickly and go to school, you don't want to be late on the first day now, do you?" Lisa nods while smiling brightly at her mom, quickly eating her food.
After breakfast Lisa hugs her mom and kisses her dad on the cheek. "See you after school!!" Lisa says while walking out the door, opening it very quickly again after. "Forgot my bag-.."
She quickly grabs it and closes the door behind her again.
She looks up the sky and smiles, today was indeed a very beautiful day and she would let nothing get in the way of changing that.
As she started walking to school she hears a loud thud, followed by people's screams after.
"What on dear, mother's earth?"

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