Chapter 5

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Jackie was driving and Rose sat next to them in the passenger seat. Gwen was spread out over the backseats watching a live broadcast of the news.
"I still can't believe have happened to George," Rose said.

"Well you better believe it soon because there's still a killer out there," Jackie laughed.

"Don't even-" Gwen stopped herself. "Jackie that was a bad joke."

"I wasn't joking, Gwen."

"Are we almost there?" Rose asked, trying to change the conversation.

"Yeah, it's down the street."

Rose felt her stomach sink. This was it. There was a masked killer going around and they were going to a party.

Jackie made a turn into Robbie's driveway. Rose hadn't really been to his house before even though they were together. She didn't really see him much outside of school.

As soon as Jackie unbuckled their seatbelt, Rose grabbed their hand. "Wait," she said.

"What?" Jackie smirked. Gwen sat up.

"The person who attacked me and Gwen was Ghostface. That's probably the person who killed my mother and George. The kills are linked, and in every stab movie it's always someone in the friend group. Right?"

"What do you mean by that?" Jackie asked Rose.

"What I mean, Jackie, is that the killer is at this party right now."

"Wow, shocker!" Jackie said sarcastically. "Obviously, Rose! It took you this long to catch on?"

Rose gave them a confused look.

"It's me Rose. I'm Ghostface."

Rose's eyes widened.

Jackie smirked.

"You're fooling no one Jackie. We know it's not you. Now come on, let's go inside before we get killed in your car."

"Gwen you have to ruin everything, don't you?" Jackie rolled their eyes.

Rose let out a sigh of relief.

"You didn't actually think it was me, did you? You're so gullible. Besides, if anyone was the killer, it would be you."

"Jackie that's not funny!" Gwen yelled.

"What, she's literally Billy Loomis' granddaughter!"
Rose went quiet.

"Rose literally has done nothing wrong. Now c'mon, let's go!"

Rose smiled awkwardly at Gwen defending her and opened her car door.

The party didn't actually start yet, people were still setting up for it.

Bored, Rose opened her phone and started playing some games. When she finally looked up she saw a huge banner that said "In Honor of George". She wondered how they got that so quickly. The information wasn't released to the public until earlier today.

Robbie saw her looking at it and walked over. "Turns out there are a lot of George's in Woodsboro." He said sounding sorry.

Rose let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah. I guess so, it's a popular name."

"Hey, about earlier today-"

"What about earlier today?" Rose asked. Then she remembered earlier. "Oh."

"I just wanted to apologize, I came off rude."

"No, you didn't! I was the rude one. I didn't sleep well last night and I was just so shaken."

"It's okay," he said. "With everything going on I understand."

Rose avoided eye contact. She was still mad at him but didn't want it to show. She knew it was for a stupid reason, but that knowledge still didn't do anything.

"Also, for the record, I never meant that you coming would ruin the party," Robbie said, as if he could read her mind. "I meant you not coming would ruin it."

"Yeah okay," Rose said. He looked like he was expecting applause for what he said.

Her thoughts trailed off as he started to talk again. She remembered when her and Robbie first met.
It was a cold day two years ago in May, the same year her mother died. She was walking to school. Her reddish-brown hair blew in her face but she could still see the dirty glances from other students. It was because of the whole Billy Loomis thing after all.

They hadn't heard about her mother, those details were never released. And even if they were, it's likely Woodsboro would never hear about it. All anyone who wasn't Rose knew was that her mother died sometime earlier that year. That's about it.

She was putting her books in her locker when Robbie ran past her, knocking her down. He stood over her and said things like "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" She smiled and he helped her up. "I'm okay, it's fine," She told him.

He smiled back at her. "That's good."

"What were you running from?" She asked him.

"I'm late for lunch!"

"You can't be late to lunch," She laughed.

"No, I mean I have to get there first before my friends. It was a bet we made!"

"Oh my gosh, go then!" She pushed him towards the cafeteria.

He looked back at her and grinned. "Come sit with us!"

Rose smiled. "No it's okay,"

"No really, c'mon!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," he grabbed her arm and pulled her through the crowd.

"Rose?" Present-time Robbie asked.

"Huh?" Rose snapped out of it.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," Rose said blankly.

"Okay, well if you need someone to talk to... I'm here for you."

"Thanks Robbie," she told him as he walked away.

She opened her phone again and started scrolling. But then something caught her eye.

Sidney Prescott Makes a Statement About the Ghostface Killing.

"What?" Rose muttered to herself. She hesitated and then clicked on the article, hoping the police also released information or at least arrested a suspect. She skimmed through the paragraphs of useless information and then finally found what Sidney said.

Sidney Prescott, has heard about the attacks. She has released a statement as of earlier.

"I heard there was a Ghostface mask found, and I immediately thought it was, well, Ghostface," the real-life final girl told the press. "However, there's no possible connection- no 'legacy characters' you might say. The last Ghostface attack was over fifteen years ago, and there's no good motive anyway. I think it's just some wanna-be. That being said, there's still a dangerous killer, so if you are in Woodsboro, please stay safe."

A disgusted expression cast across Rose's face. No legacy characters? Is she serious? She thought. I'm Billy Loomis' granddaughter! Gwen and Jackie are Randy Meeks' grandkids! Rose felt herself getting mad. But, Sidney was right about one thing.

There wasn't a 'good motive'. Maybe Ghostface wasn't the person who killed her mother after all...

So then who did?

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