Yuno| Troublesome

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- fluff -

"What's with the hurry, Y/n?" Sol asked looking at you with her mouth full.

"Ah- you see, I promised to see Yuno today but I overslept" I smiled and rubbed the back of my head.

"Oh~ what could you be doing together with Mr. Handsome" Rose, a member of bluerose wiggled her eyebrow.

"It's not like that, Rose-san. I will just train with him. We orginally planned to train with Asta but he got a sudden mission so it'll be just the two of us today."

After taking the last slice of bread I bid farewell to my teammates and started to flew off to the Golden Dawn's base.

Arriving at the Golden Dawn there goes Yuno waiting for me with a glare.

"Yo, Yuno!" I nervously approached him.

"You're late"

"Yea. Yea. I know. I overselpt, My alarm went off"

"You really cannot be helped, woman" he just rolled his eyes at me before walking off inside their base.

After HOUUUURSSS of training the day has finally come to it's end and I now need to go back to our base before my teammates would imagine things again... Yuno offered to accompany me back to my base which I kindly refused but now I'm actually regretting it, specially now that I'm in THIS situation.

My mana isn't even enough to fly a broom, yet it is to fight, now I'm surrounded by these creepy old men! I even forgot to wear my robe to atleast scare them away from me. Man, I really suck when it comes to luck.

"cOMe On, mIsS~ oNe niGhtT w0uLdN't bE tHAt bAd rIgHt~?" The smell of an alcohol from his filty mouth can be smelled even from afar, disgusting.. He is disgusting...They are disgusting.

They attempted to go near closer to me but I constantly kicks and punches them away. I grow weaker every other attack, this must be due to my empty stomach; every muscle of my body suddenly felt so soft but I cannot let them see through me, not when I finally took down two of them.

"aRA~ you'Ve becOme suCh a bad gIrl~ You know what they do to bad girls right..?~ they punish them~" another man said sticking his tongue out.

I suddenly cannot move.! a grimoire..?! It must be his doing. Well shit, his mana isn't that strong but due to my lack of mana he was able to cast this spell on me.

I just put all of my force and energy to my feet to at least back down until I hit the wall.

Hopeless. I cannot move a single muscle of my body..I cannot ask for help! They've already surrounded me and now attempting to strip their clothes down.

I shut my eyes close tighter and tighter every time I feel their footsteps approaching.

"What do you guys think you're doing?!" A familiar angry voice shouted.

"A magic knight! Shit!" They all started runing away when they saw a certan magic knight.

On the middle of running away a strong wind spell casted on them that knocked all of them up.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Yuno asked worriedly.

"Because of you, yes. Thank you, Yuno"

I tried to took a step forward but apparently my body cannot hold on any longer and I just fall down; luckily Yuno manages to catch me before I reach the ground.

"You look pale today, Y/n." Yuno exclaimed before carrying me like a sack of rice.

"Im no–" my stomach suddenly growls so loud making Yuno stop his tracks.

"You haven't eaten anything yet, have you?"

Man, there's no use hiding it. "...yes" I shyly said looking away.

"You've already past couple of restaurant, why didn't you try to eat something?" His tone is slowly starting to change.

"...I forgot my money at our base."

"Then why didn't you tell me that you haven't eaten anything yet? You should've told me so that you can eat something at our base. You know." He sounded angry o_O

"Well I don't want to bother other golden dawn member just because of me"

"It's not a bother. Now look at what happened to you, you troublesome woman"

I just kept quiet til Yuno puts me down on a chair. I look at the signage and...

"A MIXER?!? Are you trying to set me up or something?"

"Shut up. All of the other dinings were  already full so we have no choice but to EAT at a Mixer. Also I am not setting you up, as if there was someone else who will choose to be with you" God this man is soooo meanT~T

I ended up letting him do whatever he wants because he might accidentally crush up my whole sanity without even knowing..

Once our meal was served Yuno took a spoonful and attempted to feed me. I told him that I could eat by myself but he insisted saying that my hand was swollen and I need to let it rest.

After that, we proceeded to ride on his broom as he was taking me back to my base. Sitting sideways (Yuno's comfortable position when sitting on a broom), he grabbed me by my waist and pulls me close to him to ensure that I will not fall down in any circumstances.

"Thank you so much, Yuno" I said after he puts me down in front of my bases' gate.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you left your robe earlier" he then wraps my robe around me, making me chuckle a little bit that earned me a confused look from his face.

"You're extra nice today"

"I am not, you're just creating a lot of trouble than the usual." We both chuckled at his statement, "hm, anyways I gotta go now"

"You sure? You don't wanna come inside for a minute?"

"Yeah captain, might be looking for me"

"Okay, take care, byee"

"Bye" he left me a peck on my cheeks before finally driving off with his broom. I was still in the moment of shock about what just happened, feeling the sensation of his lips on my cheeks, the heat rushed up to my face every time I think about it...

"Ara~ 'training' huh?" A teammate who obviously saw what happened tease me nonstop.

"It's not like that.!"

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