Chapter 1

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"I don't mind being with you..."

-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-

I laid my heavy-seamed head on the desk. My head was killing me from all this bickering going on in the classroom. Why couldn't everyone just be quieter and wait for the teacher to come.

While I was lifting my head up, I caught a glimpse of Shinsou's hate-filled eyes staring at me. 'Ugh what does he want?' He nervously shifted his vision to someone else, 'huh I hadn't seen that side of him before- wonder what he wants.' I started taking my books out for the day as I saw our teacher step into the room.

"Alright class everyone settle down and get in your seats. Now who can tell me what we were discussing in the last lesson?"

Mine and Shinsou's hand both shot right up eager to answer the question first.

"Oh? These two again?" Our teacher sighed, "can someone other than Kiara or Shinsou answer my question for once?" the class stayed silent, "honestly you guys.." our teacher sighed showing a glimpse of disappointment.

"Anyways for our next term you are going to be doing a research fact file  as your assessment. For this project you will be assigned pairs, by me of course" he declared rather smugly, the class let out a groan.

  "I have assigned your pairs by the test scores from the last assessment. Meaning who ever got the highest and then the second highest would be paired up so that would be..." he flipped his rather filled diary planner and was scrummaging through the pages until he found the list.

"Oh so that's Kiara and Shinsou in one pair, Ad-...." my ears immediately perked up as i slowly tried processing who i had been paired with.

"....Alright so those are your pairs and no i'm not changing them; these are final and if you don't decide to put in effort i will drop both of you and your partners grade by 60% for the term." Mr Aizawa continued.

The atmosphere of the classroom  instantly turned dimmer than it was before.
My brain anxiously paced back and forth as i tried searching for a way out of this. I shot my 'partner' a glare and I was particularly curious how he wanted to solve this but i found myself surprised as he didn't seem fazed at the least. He just looked back unbothered as if he didn't have a care in the world. "Was he actually ok with this??" I thought  to myself quite confused and trying to rationalise both a way out of this and to solve why he didn't care about it. I decided  to let curiosity get the best of me and approached Shinsou. He looked up at me and went, "What?"

"What do you mean 'what' , weren't you listening?"

"To what?" he replied back.

"Mr Aizawa? And the pairings"

"Oh yeah what about them?" At this point my brain was wondering what the fuck was going on with him he wasn't his usual smug self- he seemed a lot and i mean wayy more calm than anytime i've seen him.

"...Kiara?" Shinsou asked while trying to zone me back in.

"Huh, what? Oh uh sorry i'm just wondering , don't you wanna figure out a way or something to not be pairs?"

"Why would i do that?"

Now i was just staring at him; is he even aware of what he's saying?? Why wouldn't he do that? "Wait..what? You actually want to be a pair? Why?" I asked eagerly now more curious than ever to find out an answer.

"Because I don't really mind being with you" He looked up and turned his head directly across from mine, intentionally making eye contact.
I could see his natural purple eyes glisten as the small ray of sunlight escaping from the blinds shone through.

'What...was this feeling?'

-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-

A/n :
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this story , hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter and are looking forward to reading chapter 2
If you have any questions or are unsure about anything please do not hesitate to comment or dm me.
Also sorry if the grammar or spelling is a bit iffy English is not my first language

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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