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"HAAUGH" gen yawns.

a whole boat... a boat.. in this stone age..
he sighs in exhaustion from all the planning last night he did "privately" with senku-chan in his little office area.

his ears start to get red at the fact that he was alone with senku-chan so late last night.
he's been alone with him late at night for a long time but recently he's gotten very shy.. even senku-chan found it weird, but he didn't really pay any mind to it.

senku asked gen to sleep next to him in a "friendly" way so he doesn't need to come out of his fort every night and walk all the way to where he stays (he stays in the rocky hill-area, just under where tsukasa stays, there's another hole under tsukasa's place)

gen looks to his side

'He's still sleeping.. that's odd. He normally gets up before me.' he mutters.

gen reaches out to senku-chan's cheeks, he notices his nails have gotten pretty long? he suddenly feels a lingering feeling down on his back..

'Huh? What's this?' he says in a whispering, not-almost awake tone trying hard not to wake the sleepyhead beside him.

NEVERMIND! he failed.
he screams.


senku-chan wakes up (obviously, with his loud ass screaming that woke up the whole population) startled, he looks at gen.

with a bewildered complexion, he goes "Gen? What the hell? It's 7am in the mornin-"

He looks down.


from a distance, if you had squinted your eyes you could see kohaku speeding rapidly towards the morning scream gen and senku both had peformed.


she looks over to gen, with his hands over his ears..

all three of them cry out,

"A CAT?!??!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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