fourteen; what is this...?

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After planting a soft kiss to the crown of his sisters head, Bonnie took off in the direction of Finn Shelby

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After planting a soft kiss to the crown of his sisters head, Bonnie took off in the direction of Finn Shelby. It wasn't often that Bonnie would go out of his way to willingly hang out with people that weren't within the Golds small circle but when desperate times arrive desperate measures must be taken.

The youngest Shelby was who the predictable with his movements, going from one corner shop to the next- only ever coming out of each with one small packet of something sweet. His final destination though, was peculiar. It wasn't often that any of the Golds had noticed anyone going to the Cut for very long, but this time Finn spent almost five minutes wandering down before Bonnie decided to make his presence known.

"Oi, Finn-" Bonnie started, startling the other.

It wasn't the right time or place to be making people jump, there was a war brewing between the Shelby's and the Americans, and those bastards were around ever corner. They had little care for the innocent so long as it gives them an advantage... unlike the Golds, who had a few rules to follow.

"Christ on a bike, you're not supposed to be sneaking up on me." Finn called out, placing a hand against his chest as he tried to manage his breathing.

After being given the fright of his life, Finn slowly began to walk towards the Gold boy. His eyes watched through narrowed slits, trying to figure him out. Finn knew that he was Millys twin brother but he hadn't expected them to be so alike. They were both far too hard to read but at least Bonnie would willingly smile.

Finn couldn't exactly blame her though, every time they had walked in through the distillery doors, there had always been one smart comment telling her that it wouldn't kill her to smile. Or- or that a smile wouldn't hurt anyone, so to prove a point Milly didn't smile at work. Those few, rare smiles that he had managed to worm out of her had been such a beautiful sight to behold.

"Care for a sparring session? Could use a boxing buddy for an hour or so?" Bonnie asked, a lopsided smile gracing his, once stoic, features.

The fuck is wrong with him?, Finn thought to himself before allowing his answer to be known to the brunet who now stood beside him.

"Fuck it, ain't gonna hurt to see if you're worth it."

Or, what Finn had really wanted to say was it wasn't going to hurt to ask all of the questions he had been compiling over the duration the Golds had been in Small Heath.

He had started off with writing them down and burning them, his Aunt Pol said that it was the way for gypsies to get rid of questions that were clouding their minds, but that didn't work. Instead it provoked more questions to begin accumulating and he didn't have the means to answer them. Speaking more than ten words in a stringed together sentence towards Milly was harder than it looked.

She was intimidating and Finn wanted to show her that it was okay to be vulnerable sometimes, like his sister and brothers had showed him- but they grew up with very different circumstances.

Fools Gold | Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now