25. The knowledge test of death

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Hi y'all

Haha... it's been a while.

I'm in the middle of exam season for my school. If anyone is wondering what that means, in England we have A levels at the end of Year thirteen (the final year of secondary school) which are big exams on 3-4 selected subjects. I take 3.

I'm going to be studying until the end of June (my last exam is June 21st, and then I'll probably need a week to just rest up and do something mindless (because as much as I love writing and publishing, it's not mindless lol). That doesn't mean I'm not going to post, it just means that I won't be able to do it every two weeks as I usually do.

I hope that clears everything up and reassures people that I am not abandoning this story. I have it planned up to at least five books worth of content, and I have no intention of letting those plans go unread. Life just gets in the way sometimes. However, whilst that is true I'm not going to put my writing before my mental health, because that can easily drain creativity and will to write, but mostly because it's harmful to me personally.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great next couple months and hopefully I'll be able to publish something soon! (I have no idea when, though). Anyway, to make up for it this chapter is slightly longer than usual! I hope you all enjoy.

- Meadow

"Can I please have the mirror back, now?" Mari asked Atalanta at the door.

Atalanta smirked. "No. It's mine, I won it."

Mari really hoped that Drew had meant the mirror as a permanent gift, not a loan. She hadn't meant it as a re-gift thing. She just wanted to live. Drew would understand, right?

"Do you have the photocopy maps?" Hippomenes asked. Mari nodded.

"Great! If you find anything interesting, do you think you could take notes and mail me-"

"Hippomenes! They're on a life-threatening quest. They may not have time to take notes."

"I know, I know, but if they do..." Hippomenes looked down.

Atalanta smiled and put a hand on his arm. "I'm sure they will if they can."

"We'll try to," Mari promised. She wasn't sure if she could keep it, but it wouldn't hurt, right?

Clarisse facepalmed next to her. "I'll try to."

Mari's stomach churned. What the Hades was Clarisse's problem? They were out of danger! Well, they were a little bit out of danger at least. Point was, Atalanta and Hippomenes weren't planning on murdering them, so why was Clarisse so pissy about it? Did she actually want to get murdered?

Atalanta handed Clarisse a business card. "You impressed me. This is my address, if you ever want some free training. Just tell the lady at the counter you're here for the class on Ancient exercise technique. I have three groups, at 12 o'clock, 4 o'clock, and one at 9 o'clock. You'll be on the list. Don't worry."

Clarisse's lip twitched. Mari hadn't known it was possible to be annoyed and smug at the same time, but somehow, Clarisse managed it. "Okay. Alright, yeah," she responded.

Atalanta nodded.

"Good, luck. I'm sorry there isn't more we can do for you." Atalanta put a hand on each of their shoulders. Mari pretended not to be bothered about the fact that Atalanta had to stoop to reach hers, or that Clarisse noticed and snickered.

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