𝟒. ✭ 𝐀𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐀 ✭

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I flip off Brooks and make my way inside, not caring that I am dripping water all over the fucking house. He is irritatingly handsome and equally loyal. It's commendable, really, albeit fucking annoying. Not sure if my brother deserves that amount of loyalty. He's always been kind of a non-committal dick. But whatever.

I could use some good dick after being traumatized with my parents' past earlier. Nothing like a good fuck to get out the frustration. Maybe a hand around my throat. Maybe a dick in my mouth. Maybe not a dick maybe some pu— "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" I holler out as I round the corner, coming face to face with a bear of a man carrying a gun. A good looking bear. One that just scared the absolute shit out of me. "What're you doing lurking in the hallway near my bedroom? And how fuckin' tall are you?" I look him up and down and have to arch my neck. "My God... What're you like... seven-foot-something?"

I see a grin tempt his lips before he answers, "I'm on patrol and I was assigned this hallway." Oh yeah, that's right, murders and mafias and all that fun jazz that is now in my life. "To answer your other question; I am six-foot-five." I look him over and let out a whistle.

"Christ almighty I bet you could toss me around a bedroom like a rag doll." That makes his brows nearly touch his hairline. "And the arms on you just... massive." I look over him like he's my next meal. "You know I think there might be a dangerous criminal in my room. I think you may need to come and patrol it for me." He fights the urge to chuckle but the chuckle wins. "Oh so the bear can laugh too." Now he's really laughing.

"You're something else."

"Care to find out exactly what that something is?"

"As much as that is an intriguing idea, I am not paid to patrol your bedroom. Even if I may be so inclined to do so."

Oh, so he wants to?

"Pity. Because I didn't really want you to patrol my bedroom. I wanted you to patrol my pussy." He chokes on a noise of disbelief. My mouth gets me that a lot. "Anyway, since you will not be doing said patrolling it looks like I will have to do that myself. Have fun out here while I do so rather loudly." His eyes widen, looking taken aback before I step around him and enter my bedroom. I close my door feeling amused but then, feeling rather mischievous, I open the door up again and stick my head out. "Hey, bear man?"

He cocks his head back, still appearing to be reeling from my comments. "Yes?"

"Can I get a name, specifically your name?" I point to his giant self.


I like it. I like it.

"Okay thanks, helps to know the name I'll be moaning while patrolling myself." His mouth opens a bit, surprise all over his features. I just give him a wink and shut the door. I let out a little laugh feeling satisfied with his response. I thoroughly enjoy making people become stuck on stupid. That 'what the fuck did she just say' look gets me every time.

I strip out of my clothes then eye my shower. I smell like the fucking pool and I should really wash the stench off of me but I am having fun with the man outside my door. I am also a little miffed that he didn't come in here and fuck my brains out. I mean, I get the man has a job to do but I am in need of serious pleasuring and he looks like he knows how to provide said pleasure. Then again maybe not. Some guys looked like they would be great in bed and then turned out to be utter disappoints.

It's been a while since I've had a one-night-stand because of that exact reason. Dating never seemed to work out for me either. I am not the kind of woman to be held down by one person. Well, held down in the bedroom any day but made to be in a monogamous relationship— not so much. Not since Jamie. The luster lost its' appeal for me after that. Love lost its' appeal.

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