Meme/Story #1

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Hello! This is the first chapter! This takes place in the mcu. This is not canon and this is an au. Also BRUH I WROTE THIS BEFORE NWH AND DIDNT RELIZE HOW ACURATE THIS STORY WAS GONNA BECOME *SOBS* hahahaha, anyway hope you enjoy and there is a new chapter with a new meme in the works for this so keep an eye out for that :) 

Tony PoV:

Trigger warnings: Major character death

"Eat shell Rodgers!" I yelled as I threw a red shell. Steve cried in outrage as the shell crashed into him. "Yes!"

"What the heck was that?!" Steve yelled as he mashed the joystick of his controller. I just laughed as I watched my avatar fly down the Mario kart track.

"Come on, come on." I muttered as the finish line approached. I was in first place and it looked like I had secured the win. I was sorely mistaken.

"S'cuse me." Natasha said as she flew past me at the last second.

"What?!" I yelled as second place appeared on my bottom left section of the screen. The spy just grinned in response.

"How are you guys already done?" Steve groaned as he fell farther down the leaderboard.

"Talent Cap, talent. Don't worry, I still love you... even though you are horrible at this." I said, smirking. His response was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing. "Sorry guys, gotta take this." I said as I stood up off the couch and pulled out my phone. I didn't know the number, but I picked up anyway.

"Hello?" I said, walking farther away from the Mario kart madness.

"Hi, is this Tony Stark speaking?" A female voice on the other end asked. I narrowed my eyes slightly.

"Who's asking?"

"My name is Ashley and I'm from child services." the voice, Ashley, replied.

"You must have the wrong number. I don't have a kid." I remarked. I noticed out of the corner of my eye the rest of the avengers were watching me, all with slightly concerned expressions. Steve had finally crossed the finish line and was now staring at me in confusion.

"I'm aware, Mr. Stark. I'm calling about Peter Parker. Do you have a connection to him?" My blood ran cold. Was something wrong with Peter? Why would child services call me and not May about the kid?

"Yeah, he's my... intern." I said, struggling to find the proper word to describe our relationship that wouldn't give away Peter's identity. "Yeah, that works." I muttered quietly.

"Then I assume you are aware that you are also now his legal guardian." She asked. No. I must have heard her wrong. That would mean—

"If anything happens to me, I want you to become Peter's legal guardian. I know it's unlikely, but the thought of someone I don't know taking care of him doesn't sit right with me." May's voice echoed in my head.

"No, May Parker is his guardian."



More silence.


"Tony. Is everything okay?" Natasha asked. I didn't respond.

"You haven't seen the news?" Ashley asked softly. "May Parker died in a car crash yesterday. I didn't think I was going to be the one to tell you."

The floor fell out from under me. May was dead. I had talked to her just two days ago. She had been so alive and happy then. There's no way she could be gone. I felt helpless. If I felt this bad, how must Peter feel? Oh god, Peter. Peter's happy face flashed before my eyes. He has had such a hard life. He lost his parents, his uncle and now- I couldn't bring myself to think about it. He had finally started to get the hang of balancing school, family, friends and being Spiderman. Now all of that would be uprooted and he would have to start from scratch all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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