Planting Seeds.

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Izuku POV:

"Hey Shigaraki." I am currently sitting at the bar next to Shigaraki, drinking some beautifully tasting wine that Kurrogiri selected. Shiggy looks at me with a very distasteful look, but I choose to ignore it. For now.
"Yeah? What is it?" He asks me, his tone reflecting his face. I almost glare at him in return before cooling myself down and responding.
"When are you going to kill all might?"
His face lightens up a bit as he starts going off on how he intends to get rid of the number one hero. I know this is his favorite topic, so I always get him to talk about it before I "ask" him for something that I want or "ask" him to do something. As he continues I just smile and nod, waiting for my turn to speak, and finally he finishes.
"Oh, yes that is a great plan indeed." Not. You dumb ass that will never work.
He puffs his chest up a bit at this praise and I take it as my cue to initiate my plan.
"Say, Shigaraki, you should hire more people for the league don't you think?"
He stops and looks at me, a little offended it seems.
"Why would I need some NPCs to help me? I'm the greatest."
I smile at him. My classic customer service smile, that is.
"Oh yes, of course you are the greatest, Shigaraki, but if you were to hire more NPCs then they could do all of your dirty work while you take care of all might. They wouldn't get any fame out of it, they would just make you look better. Wouldn't that be nice?~"
He looks at me then looks away for a second, processing what I just said, then looks back at me.
"Oh that would be good for me. Not a too shitty idea. Yes. I'll do that."
"Wonderful. I shall get started on bringing some recruits in then."
He thinks, then reply's. "Yes. Do that. And don't screw anything up."
"Of course not. I wouldn't dream of it."

~Time Skip~

I've brought some of my own men into the League now. It will be perfect for when I take this organization over, having more people to back me up and all, Shigaraki doesn't stand a chance against me.
Soon. Not now, but soon. I will destroy his will and make him one of mine. He'll just have to wait a bit.
Amount the men that I've brought in are: Dabi, Toga and twice. Three that are part of my level 1 devision and Spinner, part of my level 3.
Shigaraki also brought in some idiots from the streets which are: Magne, muscular, and moon fish. They are all low level thugs that have no talent except for making a mess of everything. I really don't know how Shigaraki can be this dumb.
Maybe he has a brain deficiency.
Oh well that's none of my concern, for now. Once he's mine, I'll sharpen him up to the point that he will be an actually useful tool for me to use.

It is currently around midnight and I am patrolling my area when I happen to see a figure jumping from roof top to roof top at a quickened pace. The figure starts getting closer to the rooftop on which I stand and I gradually start realizing who it is.
Erasure head.
We've met before, and of course he never catches me so I don't intend to run. I stay where I am and eventually he reaches me. When he tries to grab me, I side step him and he trips onto his knees.

(Quick note! Erasure is 27 and Izuku is 23!)

"Nice try, Erasure~ Was it worth it?"
I smirk down at him as he rises to his feet. He looks back at me and gives me a small smile. Like I've said, we've met before.
In a bar before he knew that I was a villain. We fucked a couple times and eventually I told him, making sure that he knew who I was. He said that he still wanted to be with me, as long as he wasn't able to catch me that is. If he ever did manage to do so then he would have to put me away, but that would obviously never happen, so here we are, boyfriends since about seven or eight months ago.
Once he's stood up, I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him into a kiss. We fight for dominance and eventually he gives up and lets me win. When we pull apart he's smiling and blushing madly, which makes him look so cute.
"Hey, Izu. What's up? I haven't seen you for awhile."
I fucking love that nickname.
"I haven't been doing much, sho. Just the usual murder."
He smiles up at me in, I swear, the cutest way possible.
Damn. Why does he have to be this cute.
"Let's go to that new cafe, yeah sho?"
His face lights up when I say this and we head there.

~TimeSkip~ Shota POV:

I'm currently teaching class 1A. I swear to god I don't get payed enough for this.
"Thats why, when trying to sneak up on someone that is clearly stronger than you, you don't make ANY noise. Denki, I'm looking at you."
"Is that right Sho?~"
I instantly turn towards the doorway only to find Izu staring at my wile leaning on the door frame.
"I-Izu!? What are you doing here?" He smirks, before walking over to me and pulling me into a kiss.
In front of my students!
I push him away and he's still fucking smirking!
Damn he's hot! Fuck!
"To answer your question, sho, I'm a teacher here now. Surprise."
"What? You? Nezu let you be a teacher at UA? No way."
I don't believe it. There's no way he out smarted the rat. Like Izu Is smart but not that smart. Right?
"It's true. I'll be teaching your problem children how to block certain quirks and use weapons well. Won't you introduce me Sho?"
"Ugh. Fine."
I Tun to my class in dismay.
This'll be fun.
"Class this is Mr. Midoriya. You're new weapons teacher. Be very respectful to him or you'll be expelled."
The class erupt into chaos trying to ask questions but minas is the loudest.
"How do you two know each other?"
I look at her.
"Well we-" i start to answer but Izu cuts me off.
"Shota is my boyfriend. That's how, ashido." The class, and I, look at him. Our mouths agape while he looks super proud of himself.
"OMG! Mr. Aizawa I didn't know you were gay! So cool!"
Another eruption of chaos erupts. And I turn to Izu.
"Don't be so smug. You owe me big time now. How are you gonna repay it huh?"
He smirks and leans down into mear where no one else can hear him.
"I can think of many ways that I can repay you sho~ Name your price~"
He pulls away and I feel my face heat up so much.
I'm not getting any sleep tonight.
Fuck it.

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