Chapter 5 - Carlos

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Chapter 5 – Carlos

     The beeping blaring from Lucy's alarm was an ax to my head. I reach over and turned it off witch caused pain to shoot from my sides and all throughout my body.

I let a little moan of pain slip out and Lucy flies up looking around. Her dark reddish hair was a mess and her lips were a soft pink.

"Are you okay?" I could tell you she really did care.

She was the only one who I knew who cared about me. The only one I knew who would be there, no matter what. And I liked that about her.

"Yea'." I said. She eyed me closely as to see if I was telling the truth.

The sun was now shining thought out the room, dancing across her face and the walls all around us.

"Go take a shower; I'll get us something to eat." She said getting off the bed the offering me her hand. As she helped me up a squeezed my eyes shut as the pain hurt so much.

Walking into her bathroom, the air was filled with many different smells; perfume, shampoos, so. Taking off my shirt I looked at myself in the mirror. There was no way I would be able to do my hip-pop dance today. I'll just have to play sick. But for my class I take with Bailey I should be able to do or at let, I hope. Missing two classes would be cutting it close.

After I showered, I pull my black tee-shirt, dark jeans, black shoes; I made sure I have my homework, dance clothes already to go.

I can smell toast and eggs. Lucy may not be the best cook, but there are a few things that she does well; one of those things is eggs. My lip still hurts, but at less the puffiness has gone away.

Half way through eating Lucy asked the question I know she has been waiting to ask.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Later, after school, but right now do you mind working your magic and making them go away."

Lucy took a makeup artist class a few summers ago. So, she knows how to cover up the bruise and cuts where you can't see them.

In this kind of school, I would probably get kicked out because it would look bad on them. Witch is the only thing in my life that makes me happy; other than Lucy that is but I'll never tell her that.

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