Revelation of Federation itself and A Rescue plan

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Inside USS Seawolf

Shadow: thank God you still alive, but... Don't do that again

Rose: I promise, I will not using that power

Joker: So everything is safe?

Vincent: Not necessarily, with President Hansen going crazy, he also has to be overthrown, we have to save the president's son from the Canadian Federation before it is controlled by the extreme right-wing fascist party, he is part of the democratic party, his name is Harry Frederickson, son of Hugo Frederickson, former president of the Canadian Federation and a leader of Canadian Democratic Party

Shadow: Oh come on, we don't want to get caught up in politics! Me and my sister just want to go home and rest, done!

Vincent: The Federation will never tire of hunting you down, you will continue to be hunted and you will live restlessly right? So you help us and save the world from the threat clutches of the Federation

Spade: Maybe with this, we can leak all of President Hansen's crimes and bring him down

Vincent: Not that easy

Joker: Vincent, you said you were in a CIA division with connections to the worldwide.

Vincent: yes?

Joker: Tell me about my parents' death

Vincent: *sigh* This may be a little sad for you. But the truth is your parents' plane was shot down by one of the Canadian Federation's two CF-18 Hornets, Jack

Joker: what? He do that? Do you have proof?

Vincent: Unfortunately there was no radio transmission between the pilot of the CF-18 Hornet and Professor Clover. But we caught one of the pilots involved in the attack. He claimed to have paid 2 million dollars in his account and it was a gift from Professor Clover who gave him wages. But he did that not from his command, but from Clover

Shadow: It turns out that psycho can be manipulative too

Vincent: Do you know? When you were little and you met Jack, you met the Clover people, and you wouldn't believe it. Hansen is there

Shadow: Wait, what?

Vincent: Hansen was there, he just kept silent, my undercover person admitted that Hansen only wanted Rose to be caught alive, but Rose ended up in a coma. Hansen scolded Clover for all this, he wanted Rose to be awakened from her coma at all costs, it all wants to be realized in Operation Clocktower

Dark Eye: I've heard about Operation Clocktower, what is Operation Clocktower?

Vincent: There is no solid information about this yet, it is clear that this operation is related to time

Spade: If indeed Operation Clocktower is related to time. So... Can a treasure produce a power?

Vincent: Hmmm, maybe yes, maybe no. No one knows

Spade: What about my parents death?

Vincent: Their cruise ship was sabotaged by the Federation's special forces and confirmed that it was considered an accident. They killed your parents too, but don't worry, they're already dead. My team raided a warehouse and they got caught in a drug case, and they're all the people involved in your parents' deaths

Spade: So they're dead... Thankfully then

Vincent: Look, we have any support from another country, especially the Saffron Kingdom. We need General Basil to this situation. According to the file that I've been read, General Basil was a former rented commander of front-line forces in the 1991 Gulf War in Iraq, he led the coalition forces of Saudi Arabia

Joker: So that General is a former rented commander in Gulf War? I don't know that

Spade: If Harry was somewhere he would be under house arrest, because his house was guarded by a dozen to hundreds of Federation soldiers so other countries couldn't save him.

Queen: Don't let the reason the Federation put him under house arrest for fear that some Canadians will fight the Federation, so they set him there. But where?

Vincent: One simple word: Cypress Mountains, British Columbia, near Vancouver

Joker: All right, what's the plan?

Vincent: Listen carefully, we will save him from there and the operation will start tomorrow. I know the plan

To Be Continued.

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