Chapter 27: Sabotage

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Xera Vivid

Xera and Kari stepped off the gunship with their old masters and remaining troops. They immediately headed towards Master Fisto's quarters.

"Hey, Kit." Kari said, waving with a smile.

"Kari! It's good to see you." He spoke.

"Long time no see." Xera said, jokingly.

As Arc was Fisto's padawan, Xera and Kari came to see him as sort of an uncle to them.

"I take it you're looking for Arc?" Fisto asked. "Bacta tank in the medical wing."

"Thanks." They said as they left to find Arc.

"I can't believe he made us believe he was dead." Kari said.

"Yeah." Xera responded. "When I get my hands on him, I'm gonna-"

"Well, to be fair he thought he was going to be dead, too." Kari reminded her.

"Still." Xera said, holding her chin up.

As they entered the medical wing, they saw Arc drying his hair after getting out of the tank and getting dressed.

"Arc!" Kari yelled, running up and giving him a hug.

"You guys!" Arc said, embracing the hug. "It's so good to see you again! I'm so glad that all of this is finally ov-"

And then... the bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar.

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