the party gone wrong pt2

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So i jus got some food and drinks for me and the next thing i know there gun shots fire and everybody gets down and screaming and running and one of vinnie bodygaurds grab me up and take me to the car and normaly i wouldnt care but i say to the bodygaurd

Niyah: were tf is vinnie

I say in a panic*

Bodygaurd: hes inside but he told ud to get you out and take you home

Niyah: no wtf im going to get him

I say as i try to run inside but the bodygaurd grabs me and throws me into the car and locks the doors*

Bodygaurd: i have to what boss said thats an order niyah

Niyah: i dont give a fuck go get him, or i will

I say as i see vinnie run outside and stand on the stairs of the hotel entrance*

Niyah: comon we gotta get-

Vinnie: im not going home i gotta get away for some business, people got my money and i need it back, so you know i have to get it myself.

Niyah: no we can do that after words but comon-


Niyah: but we-

I say as vinnie stops me with a kiss and runs off ro were ever hes going*

I get back in the car and the driver drives off and i jus go upstairs and jus lay down thinking about how tf i ended up here falling for someone who kidnaped me and losing him that fast, and how tf im gonna find him- or maybe im jus being dramatic i say to myself as i get up to eat and try to find were vinnie went*

my mafia queen//vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now