Tour Bus Love Part 3

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Kelsey's P.O.V

Everyone had fallen asleep by now. I looked on my phone and the time had just gone 1am. I never fall asleep until like 4 am, I am one of those people who only need a couple of hours to sleep to survive a day. Even though I do drink about 5 red bulls a day, I survive though. I turned on the lamp which I was sat next to so i could see where everyone was. Taylor and Cameron are wrapped up together asleep as the last movie we watch was a horror and they were both scared to death. Which was very cute, I don't like to admit it but I am a hopeless romantic so when I am in a relationship I want it to last, Not just one of those flings you see in movies. Somehow Dan and Laura surprising got on really well tonight so they were sleeping close is well. We all know how this is going to end. Chloe had gone up to her room, Chris is all curled up in the middle of the floor. I heard Tyler groan next to me.

"Can't sleep ey?" I whispered to him

"Nope" he said sitting up and laughing

Me and Tyler then talked for hours. about anything and everything, from wetting the bed to our first dates

"What's the time now?" I then asked him

"Erm coming up to 3" he said looking at his phone.

"Follow me" I whispered quieter then we normally were talking. Tyler gave me a confused look but then got up and followed me up the stairs to my bedroom

"We've only just met yano" He said jokingly putting his hands in the air

"Shut up" I hit im jokingly and then moving my wardrobe slightly and taking out a wooden poll from behind the wardrobe

"I'm not into kinky things either" he joked again. I laughed back

"Not many people make me laugh you know, so your special" I smiled to him. I then hit the ceiling in a certain place and a square slab fell down, I then hooked the pole around a hole and pulled a ladder down.

"I know that it's old but it's fine it won't break I promise" I said to Tyler and then started to walk up the ladder

Tyler's P.O.V

"I'm not into kinky things either" I joked to Kelsey. I've only just met her but she seems really cool. Kelsey had no shame you see. When we were speaking for the couple of hours downstairs she told me everything about her, like she knew me for years, like she trusted me. For some reason I told her everything back. Like i trusted her.

"not many people make me laugh you know, so your special" she smiled to me. This made me feel some type of way. I dont know weather i liked it or not. There was a warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was to distracted by what she had just said to realise that there was now a missive hole in her ceiling and she was walking up a ladder. I didnt hear what she said just before she walked up so i just laughed and then walked up the ladder.

At the top of the ladder there was a loft. But not any loft this loft has been decorated and it looks just like her bedroom. There was racks of clothes which were mainly band tees but in various colours and on the other wall there was vinayl records stacked all across the wall. There was what sheets drapped all along the ceiling. There was a double bed in the corner of the room which had lots of peices of paper on it. When i was walking around i had a quick look at the sheet to see they were songs that she was writing. On the last wall she had lots of different guitars hanging up. Kelsey was super talented at guitar. She told me earlier that she can aslo play the piano and drums. Kelsey is the lead singer of storm if you were wondering but yet she doesnt get the most attention form the media. The media is normally focoused on one of the other girls' love life or whatever but Kelsey likes to keep it on a down low from the media. Even tho when you first look at her she probably looks like the most intimidating person in the world but when you talk to her she is so extreamly clever so you can actually have a conversation with her.

"The only people that know about this is the girls" She half giggled "oh and my ex" she laughed again. Her and her old boyfriend Luke had a terrible break up. Terrible in the fact that they both loved eachother but it was just the wrong place the wront time kindof thing. Kelsey has just started to blow up with Storm and Luke was just about to go to collage in Manchester which is far from London i am told, so they just really didnt have enough time for eachother. She also told me that she was a hopeless romantic which she says sucks because she ends up falling for people stupidly quick.

"I dont like telling people about this, Its like my own secret place where i can hide when i dont wanna see anyone yano" she huffed going past a picture wall and stopping too look at it. I walked over to her and looked over at the picture she was looking at.

"is that him?" I asked her. She was looking at a picture of a guy wearing a simple suit. I then looked at Kelsey in the picture. She was wearing a beautiful long red prom dress which had lace sleeves.

"you look beautiful" i said

"what?" She turned to me

"oh erm i i just erm said that you look erm beautiful in erm this" i said awkardly itching the back of my head

"Shut up" she laughed hitting me lightly and then opening her draw and taking out a box of cigarettes and offering me one, I smiled and took one and then used her lighter after she lit hers and then I just stared at her. The way she did little things like flick the ash from the cigarette on the floor without a care and how everyone now and then she would blow out different sized circles from the smoke she inhaled

"Kiss me" she simply said

"Huh?" I stuttered

"I know you want to, no one stares at someone for that long unless they have something on there face, which I don't" she half laughed. I just stood there frozen still completely confused

"We don't have to tell anyone" she whispered to me. She wrapped her hands around my neck and mine naturally wrapped around her waist. and then we kissed

It was perfect

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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