Chapter 1 - Whats with the grumbles

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Just a casual school day. The school doors wide open, classes in session, food cooking in the cafeteria and Isaac Beamer roaming the empty hallways. Well, the supposed empty hallways. He was just looking around for empty classrooms that weren't being used. Currently he was feeling like drawing and wanted to do it in the comfort of his own space. Yet that would soon be interrupted.

Glancing towards the janitor's closet door he humoured himself by thinking that Ed was waiting in there. Seemed that's all Ed did nowadays. Which benefitted him immensely, the days of being slammed into lockers by the cronies was over. Now they fight the supernatural most of the time. Isaac glanced past the janitor's closet spotting an empty classroom not too far away. Finally, what he was looking for.

As he walked past the closet door he heard it immediately open and drag him from the back of his flannel inside. Of course he was met with the face of Edward Quinton...however, something Was Ed...okay?

"Geez Ed, what's the deal now?" Isaac spoke up, looking somewhat annoyed.

Ed leaned back against the wall and kept an anxious eye on the door. "Something strange is happening."

Isaac did little jazz hands. "Congrats, more supernatural stuff for you to discover." He gave a smirk. However, as he glanced back at Ed, Ed didn't look too pleased about more supernatural things to discover. "Isn't that your thing?"

"If you didn't interrupt me with you little jazz hands" He mimicked the gesture. "I would have finished what I was saying." Ed huffed. "But yeah...this supernatural feeling doesn't feel good. Like, it's actually going to be a problem."

"Oh c'mon we've tackled an illusionist demon. I'm sure it's fine." Isaac shrugged it off.

"That demon thing ended up being Felix's grandma or something. Plus! It was still a problem."

"Yeah, yeah...Peach." Isaac snickered quietly to himself. "But why does this feel like it's gonna be a problem?"

"It just does." Ed grumbled. "I don't know why, I've never had a feeling like this before with regards to the supernatural. The best way I can really describe it is as a sinking feeling." Shoving his hands in his pockets. "Look. I know you still don't like me and when it comes to things like this I usually get excited and act a bit stupid. But, Isaac...this time it just doesn't feel right." He kept glancing from the closet door back to Isaac and back there again.

A hum. "Well you are acting...strange. But we're just gonna have to see what happens." He thought for a moment. "We could host a supernatural investigation club meeting? See if Barry's noticed anything strange."

"Yeah. I'll give him a text now." Ed pulled out his phone, typing his password in quickly and looking for Barry's number. "You can get hold of Drew right?"

"Think so. Got his number afterall." He also pulled out his phone searching for Drew's number and sending a quick text to meet him when he's free.

Ed gave a quick smile. "Sometimes we work well as team, huh Beamer?" He popped his phone back in his pocket.

"Yeah, yeah"

The two soon stopped their conversation upon hearing something bang violently against the door. The two exchanged looks at one another. It did not sound like a knock. And the school hadn't quite gotten another janitor yet.

Ed reached his hand to the door handle and held it up, making it so whatever banged against the door couldn't open it. Soon hearing the sound of squeaky shoes roaming down the hallway. Seemingly wandering around aimlessly in a zigzagging motion.

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